Unpacking my pretties for this week’s First Friday Weekend at Good Juju was extra special since I got to explore and figure out how best to use my new space.
Plus, it’s Valentine’s month, and I cannot resist drenching my booth in hearts and roses.
And maybe a few mushrooms.
Over my last few years at this venue, I’ve seen that pink doesn’t sell as well for me as neutrals when it comes to my creations.
This time of year, I feel free to go hog wild with my favorite rosy hue.
Along with plenty of the rich creams and faded tans that do so well there.
Plus a few splashes of the holiday’s traditional red.
And lots of roses scattered throughout.
This is my entryway into the space.
I had Rich add some chains from the high ceilings for me. Those hang down to a reachable place so that I will never need to use the terrifying 80 foot tall (at least it feels that high to me). With these lowered chains, I am able to hang seasonal decor at the entry and change things up on a regular basis.
For now, I’m loving it all so much exactly as it is, so I didn’t add any extras to the ceiling.
No “changing it up” is needed yet, because the whole spot is a ginormous change!
I’m thinking I could let it ride for a few months, as is, just bringing in fresh merch for each sale. But I do sorta have a hot air balloon crafting idea brewing, that would be beautiful for Easter, or spring…. Hmm….