Ever have something for sale that you know that you just love and wonder why no one seems to be interested in it? I had this hand made folder, made with some pretty wallpaper and hand painted roses for sale, and the listing just expired.
So, I took a look at the photos, and decided it was not well represented. A little dark, not clear enough, bad background, and the ephemera it was packed with looked messy.
These are the re-do photos.
I rearranged the ephemera to a prettier order, added a vintage brooch to the tulle bow, and lowered the price. Now, if it sells, how will I ever know which trick was effective? well, you just don't anyway. You do what you can to make your pictures and your prices as attractive as you can and then you cross your fingers! You just hope someone likes what you put out there.
And as an artist, you have to learn to have a thick skin about rejection.
I've been the juror at enough art and craft shows, screening the people who apply to sell their work, to know that "no" doesn't mean "yuck". It means, "not right for this right now."
I've turned away really good art, that wasn't right for an art festival. Or I have been working at a gallery, hanging a show and just have to leave out a piece that was nice but that wasn't fitting in.
I guess what I am trying to say to other artists out there, is don't be discouraged. Keep trying, keep making the things you love and keep looking for your audience.
Rejection is never easy, but after so many years in the business, it honestly doesn't bother me the way it did when I was younger. I've learned that if a piece doesn't fit in one place, usually it will fit into another.
Or if it doesn't sale, the right buyer still hasn't seen it.
Or maybe I didn't display or photograph it as well as I should, or had the price correct, or have it for sale in the right venue.
Or maybe the piece needs a bit of tweaking and a slight redo.
Other times, I just need to admit that maybe the piece wasn't as good as it could be, and it just wasn't going to sell anyway. That's the hardest one to learn.
So, I redid and relisted the folder on Etsy. And my magic wands that Somerset is sending back I will list also. Somerset Life is using some of my folders in the next issue. Also, a framed baby doll dress is still there with them, and I think that they will be using this memo board.
I made the memo board from old ceiling tin cut to fit this frame. The magnets are buttons, jewelry and millinery flowers.
I'll let you know if they plan on using it for the July issue. As an artist, sometimes you can feel like you hear "no" more than any other word!
As a grandma, you hear it a lot too. Sugarwings is in a "NO" mood today and yelled it at everyone and everything.
So what do you do with a contrary baby who is tired of being cooped up inside on a cold, wintry Midwestern day?
Chinchillas and canaries at Pet Smart are as exciting to a one year old as a trip to the zoo would be to an older kid. It got all of us out of the house and smiling.
ps- the wallpaper folder is sold and is on it's way to Jeanne!
Selling anything be it art, real estate or whatever - it's all about the right person seeing your piece at the right time.
Looks like Sugarwings had fun in the pet store.
Posted by: Alison Gibbs | February 08, 2008 at 06:58 PM
I can't believe that Somerset doesn't want to use your magic wands! The birdie wand looks especially magic to me so I will be happy if you will sell it to me. Time at the pet store is always fun - I want to bring all the caged pets home with me though - not a good idea...I'm sure Sugarwings wanted to take them home with her too. What a sweetie she is! She will be thrilled to see her grandpa tomorrow too.
Posted by: Sissy | February 08, 2008 at 07:03 PM
I remember when you made the beautiful folders! I had just found your blog and was drooling over them! I agree that it's all in the pictures....and how it's presented! I like the new photos here! To see the joy on a childs face at such simple things is truly something magical! I LOVE the pics of her in the petsmart!
Posted by: Robin~Thrifty Miss Priss | February 08, 2008 at 07:20 PM
Well, I'll tell you...a pet store is where I would like to be. It's one of those places that makes you smile and you can't help but be happy.
Posted by: Karen Young | February 08, 2008 at 07:46 PM
You give some excellent advice, Karla. Thanks for the reminder!
The baby is getting so big! I remember wanting to go to the pet store when I was little. Of course, I always wanted to take one of them home with me!
Posted by: Jessica | February 08, 2008 at 07:55 PM
well hello . I havn't commented in ages..I still read weekly though.
I was reading your "keep your head high" advice.....ugh, hard to do. My Etsy just isn't doing well at all. Glad to get a little motivation!
Anywho, Just thought I would let you know I'm still a huge fan of your blog!
Posted by: Amy | February 08, 2008 at 08:53 PM
What a great way to use ceiling tin--you do not cease to amaze me!
Posted by: Tara | February 08, 2008 at 09:21 PM
You are such a wealth of information and inspiration Karla!!! It's hard to work out why sometimes!!! Quite often what happens to me is, I think to myself, hmmm I might keep that xxx (whatever it is) and then the next day it sells and I get orders to do another two of them! It freaks me out how often that happens!
Can't wait to come and meet you and see all your wonderful work & studio first hand xo
Posted by: Natasha Burns | February 08, 2008 at 10:13 PM
Those wands of yours are gorgeous.
Posted by: freebird | February 08, 2008 at 10:19 PM
Just like Life, huh? There's a time for everything, and it's easiest if we just trust and go with the flow :)
Love the pet shop idea! I might have to resort to that the next time I look after my nephew!
Posted by: Lilli | February 08, 2008 at 10:48 PM
Well, you have a good attitude.
Sugarwings sure looks like your son.
Posted by: Elaine L. | February 08, 2008 at 11:47 PM
Your blog is exactly what I needed today. Being new to this - blogging and selling on etsy...I was wondering how long it takes to get a "bite". It really hasn't been that long, but it is hard not to get discouraged. Thanks again - I also love your wands! caren
Posted by: caren K | February 08, 2008 at 11:48 PM
The moment I saw the folder that expired I thought it was one of the prettiest things I've ever seen..still do. Sometimes it's a price versus need thing. One thing you should never do is doubt yourself because you have an amazing eye,and talent.. and in my book can do NO wrong! p.s. The magic wands are fantastic.
Posted by: Gail | February 09, 2008 at 01:51 AM
I liked your post. Many times I wondered the same thing until I heard: 'An artist sells what paints, the painter paints what sells". When the very least I hope it ,I sell something.
Posted by: María Elena | February 09, 2008 at 06:04 AM
You are a wonderful artist and I would buy everything you made if I just had room for it, or the money to buy it all! I am glad that you don't get discouraged by what doesnt sell immediately. Love the pictures of SugarWings and her daddy at the petshop. It is one of Deja's favorite places to go, too... but she gets teary when I have to say NO we can't take any of the critters home with us!
Posted by: gail | February 09, 2008 at 10:45 AM
I am sorry sugarwings has the winter blues. I am so glad the skirt came. She looks adorable in it (even though it is too big) Have a lovely Valentines next week !!!! xoxoxo Clarice
Posted by: clarice | February 09, 2008 at 10:49 AM
I love your folder..maybe is WAS the photos that kept it from selling? I love your work and Congrats on the Somerset news!
Best Wishes,
Posted by: Fabulous Finds Studio | February 09, 2008 at 02:27 PM
I love it all, especially your beautiful creations. But most of all is the "Not Giving Up". It's a big wide world out there with so many amazing, talented people. Sometimes it just take a person with the same soul to connect your creation!
A great post!
Posted by: Cathy Scalise | February 09, 2008 at 05:40 PM
Beautiful work! Thanks for sharing!
Posted by: Kerri Norrod. | February 09, 2008 at 06:55 PM
see you sold it! i was just looking around your etsy shoppe for it and then went into sold! it's hard to say about why it finally sold as you mentioned. i have many items that the same things happens to me. i think this is great - it will sell quick and then it just sits! i don't know if it is a pricing thing or that others think, "well i can make that myself" or what! but congrats - it was really pretty.
xoxo, kEcIa
Posted by: kecia | February 09, 2008 at 08:34 PM
I discovered your blog a few weeks ago (don't remember how) and am really enjoying it! Your sense of humor, your creativity and your Dorkies and of course Sugarwings.
I'm about to become a grandma for the first time in a few months. Can't wait!
Posted by: Cheri | February 09, 2008 at 09:31 PM
Plus you never know if was being seen on your blog that did the trick! Thanks for the encouraging words. It is hardnot to take these things personally. My kids love going to the pet store too, haven't done it in awhile. Next weekend!
Posted by: michelle | February 09, 2008 at 11:44 PM
your work is truly amazing and I am going to add you to my etsy favorites which I just got into.
Posted by: Chiara | February 10, 2008 at 09:56 AM
ahhh yae, the age where everything is "no"...good times..I'm actually at the "you're not my friend" stage though she's still pretty cute.. I hope your stuff make sit into the mag. good luck!
Jen R
Posted by: Jen R | February 10, 2008 at 10:21 AM
Thank you for the inspiration, Karla!
Posted by: Lallee | February 11, 2008 at 09:36 AM
Hi karla...I just realized today that I haven't SEEN you for awhile and realized (again), that I didn't know where to find ya!!! i knew it started with Rebecca's blog...,...,...hit pay dirt, YES!!!
I'll have to get my hubby to quick click you.
I finally ordered something from Etsy (my hubby asked me the other day why I called it Esty?), well, I SAW it wrong...I like mine better -it comes off my tongue much better then ETSY! Happy happies to you, see ya in the funny papers.
Posted by: joyce | February 11, 2008 at 07:00 PM
I laughed when I reread your first sentence of this post "have a plan". I had a plan to quickly browse a lot of blogs and then I landed here and stayed and stayed. There goes the plan... GREAT BLOG! Devonia
Posted by: Devonia | February 11, 2008 at 07:32 PM
You silly girl, we all love your stuff! You practically have a cult following :D Glad it found it's way to the right home! Glitter & glue, Kelley
Posted by: Kelley | February 12, 2008 at 01:14 AM
First of all, I adore your art and think they'll have a home that loves them soon enough. And at least those of us visiting the Cottage can see them!
About your post -- I think it's terrific and I may copy it out as a good thing to post in my work space. I really don't submit to publications -- I'm not that confident. But some years ago I spent a good deal of time as a freelance writer and while I had my share of good fortune, I also got plenty of rejections. (I thought it fine when I was rejected by a higher class of publication who spent longer with a piece!) AND, as a former theatre person, I also took some hits (and not in always a good way!) during auditions. What is it about some of us that keep us coming back for more? Haven't answered that one, but your words of not becoming discouraged are ones for anyone to take to heart!
Posted by: Jeanie | February 12, 2008 at 04:05 PM