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March 26, 2008


Lynn @ theVintageNest

Hi Karla, You are an amazing artist. I posted my bling birdhouse early (today) 'cause I am away tomorrow.


Karla, all of your mural work and the huge bird are amazing!!! oh, the jayhawk, excuse me...i will be back tomorrow and have three birdhouses finished to show on my blog...see you then:)


Love the gaudy jayhawks! The craft room is amazing. I've got my birdhouse all blinged out and ready to go!


I LOVE the room at Randys, sounds like you have fun every time you go. I also love Gawdy, and LOVE the Big gawdy Jayhawk! It's really right up my alley! Wouldn't it be fun to have one in your very own garden?!


Wow! That is awesome that you got to do a Jayhawk!! They did pigs in Cincinnati and my kids loved them. And Randy's home is amazing. When I was little, there was a man who lived nearby to my grandparents and he had turned his whole house into rooms of different countries and then had a carousel of "It's a small world afterall" in his living room! I'd never seen anything like it! As a kid, it was heaven. Are you getting warmer spring weather yet??


Over the top, nah! I love your creative touch - those fish are just happy and lively! And the float rocks! Have ya noticed that bling is the new - much more politically correct - word for gaudy? Our secret, ok? :D


you do such great work! I can not wait to see all the Bling-ed out Birdie homes tomorow! Yay! Hugz Grace


Karla, you are amazing. Since I have been reading your blog I am in awe of how much energy you have and what you can accomplish. This mural is sensational and OMG that sculpture. Over the top in excellence I would say. Karen


Well, I love champagne (particularly w/ lobster!) and showtunes! And you're painting skills blow me away. I'll never look @ my Walmart greeter the same way (and I see him often since our WM is the only store in our small town and we're the county seat!).


Seriosuly Karla, you are one talented woman! I am so excited for tomorrow - I found an antique birdcage the other day while I was thrifting and it is OVER THE TOP!

Karen Young

Karla, Randy's room is amazing. All I can say is WOW!!!



Your birdhouse is looking GOOD! :)


Holy cows!! I've always wanted to mural a whole room but, alas, I usually got teh ceiling done and never got any further. I love how you paint - so lovely! Sounds like you have fun doing it too =) Blessings... Polly


That is one amazing room! wow! I am so looking forward to tomorrow when all of the bird houses will be shown! What fun it has been to Bling my birdhouse!


I love what you painted. I also love the froggy.


Your BIL sounds like a fun person to be around! I'm looking forward to tomorrow and still making some last minute touch-ups on my birdhouse! I get a little nervous posting my work online sometimes.


I am ready for tomorrow! Do I just leave you a comment tomorrow?


yep me again... Karla... I would be very interested in buying one of your birdhouses... Since I love them all, just surprise me and pick one out for me...
Let me know how to pay you... sammy


so pretty, good luck to whoever who gets it :)

Sheri Ingrande

Thought I better comment here as you have so many from yesterday. LoL I hope you get this. What a way to start my blogging adventures. I have tons of new blogging friends due to bling your bird house-THANKS! I just wanted to invite you back over to my blog.....In honor of my grand opening I am having a give-away.Just comment on the "friends are like Flowers and you will be entered. Hope to have many more adventures with you all.

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About Karla Nathan

Creating Art Journals

Mini Dress Form Workshop

  • Learn how to make a mini dress form, and get tips on how to embellish your creation. This class comes with ideas, videos, instructions and ephemera images to download and print.

Wire Bird Cage Cloche Workshop Button

  • Learn a simple trick to make these cute cages and cloches in different sizes, complete with fairy image download and instructions too

Birdsong FIVE

Romantic Gothic Ghosts

  • An orange free Halloween tutorial

Romantic White Christmas E-Zine

  • Creative projects and ideas for a lovely holiday season
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