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March 27, 2008


Shannon (Paint Mine Pink)

WOW Karla i think i died and went to Birdie Heaven! AMAZING, STUNNING, GORGEOUS, you are sooooooooo talented. I am definately coming back as a wee little birdie when i 'go'. LOL.
can i nest in one of your pretty creations??
ha ha.

loving them all so so so much.

Would love to have you all pop by my blog and visit my birdhouse too!


Lynn @ theVintageNest

Wow! Amazing! The houses are out of sight and I am blown away (from the March winds). Thank You Karla for doing this fabulous birdhouse bling thing. ~ Lynn

Lynn @ theVintageNest

Wow! Amazing! The houses are out of sight and I am blown away (from the March winds). Thank You Karla for doing this fabulous birdhouse bling thing. ~ Lynn

Karen Young

Oh My!!!! Karla, all your houses are wonderful and the fairy home are amazing.
I would love to have everyone pop over to see my contribution.


Beth Leintz

Wow- your birdhouses make an impressive display when you group them all together. I think my favorite is the fairy birdhouse with the black & white drawings along the bottom- very clever-like a house that tells a story.

Karen Young

Karla, I really appreciate having these fun challenges and swaps.

Hugs Karen


Such beauties and a lot of work I imagine. They're blingy!


I created a Flickr account, first time doing anything like that. I have photos and descriptions there. Please come see what I have created (Karla, I used a piece of your stairway wallpaper). The URL is http://www.flickr.com/photos/25086269@N06/


Looks like you've been busy creating all those beautiful birdhouses. They are all so lovely. I just finished the last of mine and you can see them here:



Betty @ She's Sew Pretty

Ack!! They're all so pretty. I'd love to buy that fairy birdhouse with the vintage images. Adorable! Come see mine. It isn't as fancy as yours but I like how it turned out. Thanks so much Karla and Beth. This has been so fun!


Well the party's started and early I might add!
You have been busy!
Run on over to my place and sign up for my giveaway too!
Bring food but you don't have to clean up...I'll make the kids do it!

Sheri Ingrande

I may be on the computer all day.... I did not get to make my bird house cause I just found out about the party. Any way I did pick a favorite and some little birdies too. You are all invited to Fly on over and continue this party @ http://www.pawshpoodle.blogspot.com


Okay obviously I am not good at the address thing! My bird house is at
Come and see me!


Oh my goodness, your bird houses are amazing, as I expected but under estimated how many you would have churned out!!!! Fun, fun, fun:)
Come visit me for a slightly different take on bird houses!


Hi Karla! Thanks for hosting the party! Your display is breathtaking - I love it! I only blinged one birdhouse... Please won't you come over for a visit!?


Thank you for hosting this day! And your birdhouses look all so lovely! I'm just an itsybitsy jealous on your talent! But I also finished mine! You can see them on my blog!


So many cute birdhouses, Karla. Love them all. Such creativity! Thanks for hosting the swap.


Alison Gibbs

Oh Karla they are all so beautiful


Your birdhouses are sensational, and the way that you display them is equally as gorgeous. Please stop by and visit my birdhouses and thank you for hosting such a lovely event. Karen


María Elena

Very cute the birdhouses! You can see the mine in my blog:


Karla, your bird houses are fabulous! I kinds cheated cuz mine is a bird cage and I didn't really anything to it! :)


Robin~Thrifty Miss Priss

I just love the new neighborhood! Once again you have inspired so many people to be creative! I can not wait until tonight when I can sit down and visit everyone!


Beautiful work as always. This was fun. I made two, they can be seen at www.wandamai.spaces.live.com


lovely, lovely. I absolutely love you houses! They are all so beautiful. Stop by and check me out... It is my first showing today.


Beautiful work as always. This was fun. I made two, they can be seen at http://wandamai.spaces.live.com/

linda and laura Lilly cottage

My goodness you must have been decorating birdhouses morning noon and night, so much detail, so tweet!! Thanks for hosting such a lovely party! We have our birdhouses (the flat fabric variety) up on our blog and have left them in charge whilst we flit all over the place checking out the new birsy neighbourhood. Click on our name to come and visit or go here http://lillycottage.typepad.com Have a wonderful day, shall pop back later to see who else has come to play, kiss noises Linda Lilly Cottage.


Karla, your houses are just stunning!! you really went all out:) mine are a little more simple...i have been wanting to do something with them for a long time...so thanks for hosting the party!!!

Alissa Millsap

all are so beauitful! karla, you do some amazing work. thank you for hosting this swap, it has been fun! i just finished mine if anyone would like to see it.


Wow!! These are so wonderful. I can't wait to see the rest.

I have mine up! Please come visit.

Thanks for sponsoring this fun event.


Oh..I forgot to add my LINK! Silly me.



Karla- You have blinged to perfection!! They are all beautiful. But then, would we expect less?
I so wish I had had the time to do this one. It looked like a ton of fun. But, I am flying off to enjoy the birdie delights created by other talented women!


Yikes! It's early in the morning and already I'm comment 33! These are lovely and I intend to visit when I have longer to pour over them!

Meanwhile, I invite everyone to stop by The Marmelade Gypsy and check out my birdies' (and fairies') homes at http://themarmeladegypsy.blogspot.com/2008/03/blinging-my-birdhouse.html



Hello Karla,

You really have been busy girl! So many too choose from...its so hard to choose! Well done on all your creations.

You can visit my birdhouse here- http://vintagemosaicboutique.blogspot.com/2008/03/bling-your-birdhouse.html

I can not wait to see all the wonderful birdhouses out there today!

Thankyou so much for hosting this fantastic event!



Hello Karla,

I just love all your birdhouses...they are so sweet! Well done.

You can visit my birdhouse here- http://vintagemosaicboutique.blogspot.com/2008/03/bling-your-birdhouse.html

I can not wait to see all the wonderful birdhouses out there today!

Thankyou so much for hosting this fantastic event!



Thank you so much for having this wonderful party. We can always count on you to do such fun and interesting events. Come and visit my little blinged out beauty at my blog:


Hope to see you there! Enjoy your day!
Amy :)

Lili M.

Wow!! What a bunch of birdhouses. It must be birdcity ;-)
Well I managed to make 1 and its not even a birdhouse but a cage. So you all are invited to come over at:


cya there, I hope! Thanks for hosting! (anyway!)


You must have had such fun making these! I especially like the one with the vintage rose postcard on the roof's slope. I'm very new to all of this, but I'm looking forward to the next challenge so I can really get creative. I hope everyone will stop by my blog and introduce themselves. I'm myvintagevignettes.


I'm never great with computer things. Thought I would try it again to see if I could get my address to direct link. Come by and visit me and my blinged out birdhouse


Amy :)

jessi nagy

karla they are all spectacular!!!
i love them all. love all the little details!
i did one vintage birdhouse.

Sanctuary arts

Great houses Karla.. here's my link


I would sell or swap! Jen

Lynn @ theVintageNest

Oops! I forgot to leave my URL:


I would love to have you visit and see houses I have made for our feathered friends. ~ Lynn


Love all of your houses! Mine is up at http://sugarbeardesigns.blogspot.com


Grace P

Fabulos houses! How can you part with them? Oh my I am so blown away! I love the pearl and beautiful pin 1st one the best but wow I would love any of them they are amazing. Great swap, going to look at everyone elses. Grace P

Barbara Burkard

beautiful!!!! count me in!!!


Woops, bird-brain me forgot to include my link:



what delightful birdhouses, I really love the fairy one ....
I decided that my wee little birdhouse will be a giveaway...
Thanks for doing this..




Wow Karla!!!
What an awesome idea!!!
It's been so fun looking all the sweet and
stylish bird houses!!!
Your blinged out houses are awesome- Love it!!

Cindy (JunqueArt)

Such wonderful houses! I love them all! Thanks so much for hosting the party!

I would like to invite everyone to take a peek at my birdie abode! It's available for Giveaway!


Happy Party Day!


So excited to join the party, especially since we call my son "little bluebird" -- I was delighted to bling up a birdhouse!

Your birdhouses are to die for! I wish I had the time to create all those pretties! Thanks for hosting!




For some reason, it is not linking to my blog. The address is www.TheLittleBluebirdDiaries.typepad.com.


Love your pretty birdhouses Karla. Thanks for hosting. Mine is a drawing here:


Wendy Schoonhoven

Your birdhouses look great too, I espescially love the fairy houses, they are soo cute!! TFS and inspiring me, I will try to find a birdhouse too so I can bling it up!!xxxWendy.


Wow! All these birdhouses are amazing. My daughter and I each created one (I think hers is cuter!). Would love to have you visit at http://www.pinkpersimmon.typepad.com.

We are a new papercrafting company that will open our online store sometime in late April. If you are interested in joining our newsletter and would like to enter our grand opening drawing (for some clear acrylic stamp sets), please note that in your comment! These will be newly designed stamps by my sister, Judi and they are full of vintage cuteness!




I love all of your homes and I thank you so much for hosting this wonderful event. It has really helped me to grow as an artists!

I would love to win or buy and of your little homes! Actually, I would be honored to have one because I think so highly of you!

Hope you will visit and have a great day as well!

Chirp! Chirp!


lovely houses Karla, check out my birdhouse giveaway on my blog.


Oh this is so much fun-everyone is so creative. Stop my and see my birdie home!



I am showing a vintage Hundred Acre Woods birdhouse that I painted years ago. It is owned by my grand-daughter, but might be an inspiration for someone to "get their paints out." Stop by, leave a comment, it will count for my March give-away:-)

Betty @ She's Sew Pretty

Well rats! I forgot to leave a link and an invitation to my birdhouse party! http://shessewpretty.typepad.com/



Your blog parties are always so much fun! Thanks for hosting another one. I can't wait to go blog hopping today and welcome all to visit me here:



Thanks for such an inspiring event! I love to let the glitter fly! Please stop by my blog and visit Miss Bleu J and her elegant home!

Available for purchase!


Stop by and see the birdie house at my place! Yours are all so amazing!



Pinkie Denise

Hello Karla,
I didn't make a bird house , now I wish I would have. These are so darn cute, I think I will have to buy one...thanks for sharing all the pretty BLing! Pinkie Denise

Glo Utzman

Well, Karla - You've done it again! What fun. You ought to publish your blog as a book - or maybe a SERIES of books!! Now, off to visit the rest of the real estate.


Your birdie abodes are gorgeous! I love the roof on the first pic, but my favorite is the one with pansies on the roof. Your fairy houses are also enchanting! Maybe you should do a fairy house party? Thanks to you and Beth for hosting this one!

My birdhouse is up and ready for viewing here:


I have my birdhouse posted... i call it... "Fit for a Princess" birdhouse... I made this one expecially to trade... so if you like to trade with me, please put that in your comment on my blog...
Now the fun for me begins... I get to see all of your birdhouses...


oops, I forgot to leave the link to my blog... I know you can just go to my name at the top of my comment and that will take you to my blog to see my birdhouse that I have up for a trade... but thought I best post my url just in case the name thing don't work...


Totally sweet !! You outdid yourself Karla !! I love them ALL !!! Come see my Bird Cottages. :) http://sweetnshabbyroses.blogspot.com/


All of your birdhouses are just soo darn cute!!. You've done an outstanding job :-).
Have an inspiring day!~~

Kerri  Norrod.

Karla your birdhouses are beautiful! I am going to check out everyone's real estate!

Elaine L.

Wow! You outdid yourself. Your nests are amazing.

It's going to take all day for me to get through all the links. I can't wait to see all the wonderful and creative ideas that will be posted.


Marina Capano

wow!!!! your house are so cute!!!!and amazing!!! congratulation! I can´t made special bird house but I made years ago one. I have in my window! kisses from Argentina!!!!!
I am so sorry for my english!!!!


What wonderful bird palaces!! I couldn't get my act together to bling a bird house, but I am enjoying checking out everyone elses!


This is so much fun! I love the birdhouses, the little fairy birdhouse village is enchanting.
I have worked all morning getting my birdhouse painted (eek paint takes forever to dry). Then I took and loaded the picture leaving weary Hubby an evening off tonight. I am painting and (com)putering.

Karla, you are so inspiring. Now I get to relax and view the other entries.


oops forgot my url:



Inspiring birdhomes! I can't join in the swapping fun right now, but I could enter in the giveaway and consider (if I win) the birdhouse to be a wonderful housewarming gift when we move. (wink, wink)


Oh my goodness, I almost forgot what today was!!! Birdhouse Bling Day! Here is the link to my birdhouses: http://connie-livingbeautifully.blogspot.com/2008/03/my-shabby-birdhouses-revisited.html

I love making them! They are absolutely my most favorite thing to make. Unfortunately, I don't sell many of them but they make wonderful "eye candy" sitting around my home. I love them for all the beautiful fabrics I can put on them. I almost always use a rose fabric with stripes or polka dots or maybe tiny remnants of chenille or something soft. I also like the "icing" I put on them to make them look like a cake. Just come on over and visit. You might find something you like. Plus if anyone is interested in buying one some are for sale.


You have out done yourself Karla! They are beautiful!! You inspired me to make one and it was fun!..thank you


So stunning, Karla! I am totally kicking myself for not having joined this swap! But I am having TONS OF FUN browsing around everyone's blogs looking at all the loveliness!!!


OK Karla... I've GOT to buy a birdhouse! Are there any left? I like the first two on your post, and the fairy one (in that order, if one of those are still available). =)


ALL of the little houses are just so beautiful!!


Karla, I've been through the site most, trying to decide which I like best -- I simply can't decide! Lovely. Thank you so much for hosting! http://www.themarmeladegypsy.blogspot.com/2008/03/blinging-my-birdhouse.html



Thanks so much for hosting this fun event; a great start to welcome spring!
I intended to make a blue and brown church birdhouse for a swap but got carried away learning some computer programs. So it never got completed; maybe next time. I submitted the birdhouse I made for my Etsy shop instead.You can see it here or on Flickr.In the meantime I am going to have a cup of tea and check out the realestate.



Hi Karla
Ooohh, such beauties & inspiration. This is so much fun. I'm off to look at everyone else's.
Thanks to you & Beth for doing this.

Here's my post:
Take care


Hi Karla,
Oh I really love your fairy homes, I am so glad that the time is here. I made another birdhouse, I am a bit like you addicted to them at the moment, thank you for hosting this event.
Cheers Linda


Hi Karla,
Back again, I just noticed that everyone put a link in their comment instead of just using the one in the posted by so here is mine http://helptoomuchclutter.blogspot.com/
I hope that works.
Cheers Linda


I love all your birdhouses. You did a wonderful job! What an inspiration!!!



WHat Fun!....your blinged out houses are so pretty, I am having fun looking around at all of them...


this is just way too fun...thank you for hosting this...I've had lots of visitors!


My birdhouse post is up and ready for viewing. Thanks so much for doing this, it's amazingly fun in every aspect. XXOO, Stephanie/Doojies


here's the correct link to my site for the country cottage



I wasn't craft enough to join in (who knows what my house would look like, ) but I love the eye candy of it all! These are lovely enough that I want to move in!



Please stop by for a touch of quaint:


Love your blingy-ness Karla!

Happy to join in!


Thanks for the kind comments Karla. Love your fairy houses.


Hi Karla you have been a busy lady every Blinged Birdhouse is beautiful, love each and every one of them, love to be entered into you give away to please...come and see my Birdhouse, the only thing you need to scroll half way down my blog as I couldn't get my link to work...hee, hee,

have fun today lady's, and can't wait to see lots of beautiful Bling houses.
thank-you Karla and Beth.




Wow, Karla! Awesome, awesome, awesome!


Karla, I LOVE the display you made with all of your birdhouses! Each one of them is so sweet!
I blinged up a couple of 'em myself...I'd love to have you and others stop by to say hello! http://marilynbutler.blogspot.com/2008/03/its-party.html


Oops, I meant to also say thank you for a great party! Lots of fun!


Love your birdhouses. This was such a great party.
Please come on over and visit.


Jill Thompson

These are all awesome! The birdhouses are so beautiful and inspiring! I love the concept of the fairy houses, as well. Thanks for sharing all the lovely photos!


Rachel Whetzel

Such a great party!! http://minetothine.blogspot.com/2008/03/bling-my-birdhouse.html Here is my birdhouse! I will be getting around to the other's houses as soon as I can!

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About Karla Nathan

Creating Art Journals

Mini Dress Form Workshop

  • Learn how to make a mini dress form, and get tips on how to embellish your creation. This class comes with ideas, videos, instructions and ephemera images to download and print.

Wire Bird Cage Cloche Workshop Button

  • Learn a simple trick to make these cute cages and cloches in different sizes, complete with fairy image download and instructions too

Birdsong FIVE

Romantic Gothic Ghosts

  • An orange free Halloween tutorial

Romantic White Christmas E-Zine

  • Creative projects and ideas for a lovely holiday season
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