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January 17, 2009


Ele atabitofpinkheaven

I can't get enough of the puppy love. I hope you keep posting pictures. They look sweet with the eyes open. I know the puppies are much happier now that they can see Sugarwings. Who wouldn't love to look at that sweet cherub faced girl! Great idea on the kits too. Think I better get started on my tags!


You have gifted hands. I love pretty things that I see in your blog but I just don't know where or how to start. Haven't been in touch with my creative side for a very,very long time. Your puppies & their beautiful mommy just made me happy! Still wishing to see latest shots of sweet Sugar Wings!

Jean Eakin

Karla, how exciting that the puppies eyes are open. I know Sugarwings was thrilled.You will get your web site in order soon for your grand opening if I know you.That too will be exciting. Have a wonderful weekend.
Jean in Virginia


I'm still laughing at the picture of the puppies arranged in a heart from the last post!

Robin~Thrifty Miss Priss

Wow! the tags are all wonderful! The pups are HUGE. I still can't believe they all came out of Twinkles! It's so exciting to be opening your own online shop! And that picture of the dancer is beautiful!


Hi Karla! As I'm watching the puppies grow, I'm also watching the tags unfold. When I first saw this on your blog, I was very intrigued and didn't really know what the outcome would be. Well, I went out and bought some pre-made tags and have been having such fun embellishing them. What a great idea! You can get as fancy as you want or as simple as you want. It's grest because they aren't too big so you can really be creative. I'm so glad I saw your post about these tags. I'll keep my eyes open for another one of these swaps. Hopefully you won't get burnt out from this one and will offer one again sometime. Thanks for the inspiration!!!


Cute little puppies....
I think you have the perfect recipe for the winter blues…
A house full of puppies plus a cup of Sugarwings mix all together
with a whole lot of love…

Also, want to congratulate you on your up coming store…



Loved your last post of your Grandbaby in her BIG bubble bath and am adoring the puppies. Just look at photos of Twink and think she is too young to be a Mummy as I put her in the same age bracket as Sugarwings . . . but she's not . . . my new little 15 year old doggie is an old lady of 9o something in human years, yet I treat her like a small child! Rachaelxo

Kerryanne English

Lots of pretties to look at in today's post Karla - all beautiful. I can just imagine how delighted Sugarwings was to have the puppies peeking back at her.

LiLi M.

You know that even in my house we love to look at Sugarwings! My daughter was thrilled too by the video you made! The tags are wonderful! I am happy to be in the swap. Good luck setting up your online business. Computers and stuff are wonderful, but if it doesn't do what you want grrrrrrrrr.

Have a nice Sunday!

web hosting pakistan

this post is really interesting, i enjoyed it alot.

hope ellington

The tags are inspiring. I am just thrilled I am a part of this. The bubble bath is just too cute. We did this one time & suprised my husband when he walked in. It was a hoot!


Karla, thanks so much for the tag love and I'm glad you took a picture because I forgot to. You gave me a real belly laugh with the name thing though. Now Ruth Flowers IS a very pretty name, but I always think that my name really dates me...Yep, I had the parents that watched too much T.V.. :) Anyway, thank you for the smile this morning...you're a sweetheart!

Gretchen Schaumann

I have an award for you on my blog.

Heart-Shaped Rock Cottage

Stopped by for a puppy fix. And was delighted by so much more!

Liv Hudson

Wow! Talk about a full post! Yummy eye candy and puppies to boot! I can't wait until you start taking those short little videos of the pups running around and posting them.
Thanks for sharing!


The puppies are so sweet! I can't believe their eyes are open already! I'll be sending my tags this week I need to make some more marshmallows we ate the first 2 batches. :)


I'd be interested in hearing your opinion of Pappashop after a few months of using it.

My shop's hosting service contract expires in Sept. While I have no complaints about the service -- it's always up and pretty cheap at $7 a month, it'd be nice to have an actual merchant hosting service with tech support. Likewise, Zencart is a free shopping cart software, but you get what you pay for. :)


Those pups... so adorable!
Hang in there with your website. I know it will be worth it.
Yes, I wish I had gotten in on the swap. The tags are looking so beautiful.


Karla, those tags are amazingly gorgeous...i am now regretting that i didn't sign up...*sigh*...how fun that the puppies have their eyes open now!!!

jessi nagy

hey there sweets,

yeah the puppies are awake!!
they are so sweet.
your tags are darling.
hope all is well. see ya soon


Isabel ~ Maison Douce

Can't wait to see more pictures of those darling puppies!! Oh, those tags are gorgeous!!


I just want to hug those little puppies :)


Lovelies all the way around. How I wish I could have hooked up with you and Carol at Beth's booth! Love the kits -- and good luck with the online store. I admire your fortitude in hanging with it!

(And we like to look at Sugarwings, too! Talk about puppy love -- Sugarwings and the babies! Wow!)


Ohhhh I want one of those puppies! You are such a tease! Your tags are so inspiring I have started making some.....
Wishing you all the best with your Shoppe!

Alice W.

Oh my goodness that top photo is too precious for words!!!

Sorry for your troubles with Pappashop :( Hope the glitches/problems get smoothed out (if possible) soon...

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About Karla Nathan

Creating Art Journals

Mini Dress Form Workshop

  • Learn how to make a mini dress form, and get tips on how to embellish your creation. This class comes with ideas, videos, instructions and ephemera images to download and print.

Wire Bird Cage Cloche Workshop Button

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Birdsong FIVE

Romantic Gothic Ghosts

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Romantic White Christmas E-Zine

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