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February 25, 2009



There is nothing quite like children and puppies. The love and understanding that they have for each other is inspiring. A sad day tomorrow, but many more wonderful days to come full of loving memories too. Hugs!

Heather ~ Pretty Petals

I don't know how you are going to do it... I say board up the windows and post a note that says "flew south... see you next year". Maybe they won't come back for that dear sweet puppy! I LOVE these photos of sugarwings with her baby girl.

I could never have puppies in this house... I would keep them all.

xoxo Heather


The pictures brought tears to my eyes. Those two look like such great pals. Thank goodness she has Twinks.

Joanne  Kennedy

Oh darn you! This post made me cry. I felt bad enough that I wasn't going to get to see these sweet little dogs anymore but then you posted about Sugarwings and showed how cute the two of them are together and I just broke down.

Those two were meant to be together. They are both too cute together.



These pictures were so sweet. Grandchildren are the best gifts ever. I know she brings so much joy to your lives.

I love those earrings. They are stunning...M..

Beth Leintz

What are you trying to do? I've got tears running down my cheeks. Twinkle, her puppies & Sugarwings is turning into a story to rival Bambi or Old Yeller. You just need to do some watercolor illustrations and you'll have a classic.


Oh my, I'm tearing up! Millie is so cute. Of course Sugarwings is such a doll and then to put them together! I'm sure they will miss each other!

Alice W.

Aww...I have tears in my eyes! I am going to miss Millie too :(...what a special bond she and Sugarwings seem to have...hopefully the memories will stay with her and remind her of how much love was shared between them even if it was for a short while. Hope Millie gets a lovely and sweet home where she gets as much attention as Sugarwings has given her!

Jessica Canham

Awww, Millwee! That's too darn cute. It's going to be hard, for sure. What if you and Sugarwings made a little scrapbook of her and the puppies so she has something to remember them by? I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

Kerryanne English

What a beautiful day for you and Sugarwings to remember with Millie. I hope she will be just as happy in her new home.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne


what a dear little millwee . they are going to be so loved in their new homes. lucky people. Donna

Elaine L.

Oh, my Ghosh! What could be more precious than a little girl and a puppy.

Does Sugarwings really understand that Millwee is going to be gone?


Zita - Mlle Magpie

What a sweet little puppy. Sugarwings is just adorable with her. What a lovely (and as you say, bittersweet) last day together for all of you.


Are you sure you don't want to keep Millwee? 500 posts? Wow!

LiLi M.

Ah those photos of Sugarwings and her Milwee are all too cute, I have seen them a 100 times by now and I don't think I have a favorite. Someone before me wrote that you should make a scrapbook. I think that's a great idea. A scrap-story book perhaps.
I'm glad you are on the mend again, and congrats on your 500th post, whow! I'll be thinking of you and Sugarwings, hoping saying goodbye to Milly won't be too harsh!


Oh, how beautiful and how sad, my heart is breaking but I know they have all gone to good homes and sweet Sugarwings still has her Twink! I have actually avoided you because I didn't want to read the goodbye puppy post! Hope you are ok! Take Care - Rachaelxo


Dear Karla, my heart is breaking too.
I wouldn't be able to give any of the sweet
dear puppies away. Your pics of little
Sugarwings and Millie are tearing at my
heart strings.
I'm sure that they have, and will have, safe
and loving homes but,.........gosh....
this is so hard. :(
Thank you for sharing their sweetness and
beauty with us.



Karla, this is the sweetest and saddest post ever!!! those pictures of sugarwings and millie nearly break my heart!!! i am so sad that she won't have that sweet puppy to play with anymore...how can you stand it?


Darn It Karla! I just put my mascara on for work! What a sweetheart...remember I offered to fly in and puppy nap her for the day of departure...ah well...hope SugarWings is as resiliant as they mostly are. Your Friend, Bobbi


Oh my , your pictures of Sugarwings and the adorable puppy are precious. The two of them look likey belong together. I'll bet that puppy is going to grow up with the best personality after having all that time with sugarwings.....the picture of the puppy with her in the tub just made me laugh and the picture of the two of them on the dog bed just pulled at my heart.


Oh my....I am sad for you & Sugarwings! The last puppy gone! HOpe they are not far so you can see them often. Glad you are feeling better.


awww... maybe you should have kept that one!! but I know thats not the way it works.. darn animals! they just paw their way into our hearts.... and then somewhere along the line they leave us! (just lost my 16 year old kitty a few weeks ago) At least you know this puppy is going to a good home and sugarwings had a great time with her!
have a sweet day!

Sher Miller

Five hundred posts?! What a milestone; congratulations! The pictures of the two babies are nothing but precious.

Kathy in Chicago

Such a sweet, bittersweet post, Karla. The good part is that you know she'll be going to a good home, of course. The pictures of Sugarwings and Mill-wee are just incredible. If you painted these photos, you'd have a marvelous and endearing children's book. Just a thought. Cheer up and enjoy your day!
Kathy in Chicago


Oh Karla!!! You told such a beautiful story with these pictures!! I give you so much credit because I don't know if I could watch those little pups come into the world, help them grow and then let them go. Mmmm. I guess it's kinda like kids, but then you don't have to go through those teenage years with puppies!! I also could not resist Sugarwings. She is so beautiful, huggable and kissable. My heart goes out to you today.


Om My Milwee is leaving us too, sniff sniff!! We will miss you milwee and so does Sugarwings. What pretty sight, Milwee and Sugarwings togother.
Sorry I must have missed the post where you where feelinf sick but I'm glad you are feeling better.
And 500 posts?? Wow

Nancy Stone

What a beautiful profile of Sugarwings in the bath. Her face is precious.


awww bethany recognized the pup and said thats Karlas! Teary eyed here, what cuties sugarwings is adorable. Hope you are feeling better!

Cindy (Junque Art)

Oh dear now I'm crying! Milwee is so precious and I know you will miss her. Big HUGS to you and Sugarwings!


Oh Karla, those pictures of Sugarwings and Millie are ADORABLE! My heart would be breaking, too! Twinkle will have to fill in as the snuggle puppy!


Oh my heart breaks for Sugarwings! They are so sweet together.

Donna Layton

Oh Karla....this brings back memories of when we had our cocker spaniels (before the kids) and we did one litter of pups. I was so wrapped up in those puppies it literally broke my heart to let them go. I had a militant screening process for buyers:) After the one litter I could never do it again. Way too emotional.

kathy lowry

I know everyone is making the same comment - these are the sweetest pictures ever - total love and innocence and joy -
I know your heart will be heavy -- I am sure all the pups will be so loved -
Thank you for the weeks of blessing us with the beautiful story of Ms Sugarwings and the pups -- kathy -ga

Kana Conger

I too will miss the puppies and Sugarwings carrying the pups! I have enjoyed the dogdays of puppyhood with you.


I don't think I could do it...I would have to keep little millwee. I love all those pics of Sugarwings carrying her..thank you so much for sharing the pics of all the pups.



What a delightful day you spent together. Sugarwings and the puppy are irresistible subjects!

So glad you are feeling better.


Ele at abitopinkheaven

My heart is breaking for all of you. Sweet memories Sugarwings will have of the puppies. I'm sure through them, she has learned many things.

barbara burkard

i have so loved the puppies pics! thanks for once again letting us peek in!


I am sad that "millwee" is leaving. I'm sure she will have a happy home, but......
I'm glad you have all the cute photos of them together.


I wouldn't be able to resist those eye's either!!! I bet Sugarwings will really miss Millie... I'm gonna miss seeing the puppy posts. I just love the picture of those 2 laying on the pillow.

Karen Young

Karla, what a lovely day you, Sugarwings and puppy had. Thank you for sharing this beautiful day


Rose Brier Studio

Your post made me tear up. Seeing the pics of Sugarwings with the puppy reminded me so of my little ones (now grown-up) and their pets and bathtime. I thought wouldn't it be nice to have them little again before I made mistakes and before some of the hurts I wish I could remove from their past.
Your love for Sugarwings is such a blessing for both of you!

tiffany ~ shabby scraps

oh...my heart aches for little sugarwings! It is a hard fact of life, this is the most precious post, I adore the pics. You will definitely need a large tub of ice cream and probably some lollipops to get her through this!
Good luck, and give her a hug from me!
xoxo, Tiffany


Please Don't cry I will bring Glitter to see you real soon. We will have to pick a day when sugerwings will be around. Glitter and I are having a great time together and all the kids love her too. Thanks For the Joy you have given me


Oh my gosh, the puppy picture in the bathtub with Sugarwings is the cutest thing ever. I know if it was me I would be sobbing for days having to give them up, sending a hug your way.


Oh, what a bittersweet day today was. These are fabulous photos -- you should enter them in the PBS Nature "cats and dogs" photo contest! That little face -- I can see why they'll all be so missed... especially when there is a favorite.

Glad you were feeling good enough to make th emost of this wonderful day. Hugs to this little angel girl and her pups.


Those pictures are just adorable! Having grown up with many pets, I can feel your sadness as you prepare to give another bit of your heart away! I hope all goes well, and I hope you continue to feel better!

robin-Thrifty Miss Priss

It's all your fault! I needed a break at work and went out into the warm sunshine with my iphone and took a peek at your blog! Oh Man! the tears started to spring out! Had to come home and see these precious pictures in full size! Just the sweetest...both of them! You need to make Sugarwings her very own little photo album (laminated pages or covered with contact) so she can see these pictures whenever her heart desires!


Grandkids and puppies just go together. It's so nice when they're as cute as yours!

Kay Flynn-The Wrought Iron Gate

Oh, I hope Sugarwings won't miss Milly too much. They are so adorable together. This post was so poignant. sniff-sniff



Thought about you a lot today--hope you're doing ok...hugs!


Glad your feeling better Karla and that you guys got to spend the day the way you did.It's also good to see your hubby there too. Happy happies.

Natasha Burns

Oh Karla this is breaking my heart to see :(
Could you not have kept her, tell the people you changed your mind?!!! So sad :(


What a beautiful, sweet photo story. I'll miss the puppies, too.


Those two adorable faces together are just too much for me!! Now I'm all sad for them both!!!

Glad you are feeling better from your crud.

susan G


aww you and sugar wings made me tear! Milwee is going to miss sugar wings also that is just wrong. I will wait for the next post that says "Milwee Stays" LOL! Hugs Grace


Just stopping by to say hi, sorry you've been sick! Bundle up, it's about to be cold again.

Jean Eakin

I am so going to miss seeing sweet photos of those puppies especially ones like today with Sugarwings. I had to catch up with your blog because my computer crashed two weeks ago and I just got my new one today.I can not get over how much the puppies had grown in that time. Your photos are always wonderful. I am going to miss those babies, and I know you and Sugaewings will too. I am glad you are feeling better. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Jean in Virginia

Lisa Swifka

To say I am swooning over that beautiful wee girl of yours would be an understatement. Those eyes!!!! How sweet is she with that puppy and the name she calls it!!! Oh my, giving that furry baby up is definitely going to be hard....I can't imagine it and I just this moment saw this for the first time!
WOW! I hope you feel better.


Millie and Sugarwings are so cute together, I can't stand it! My 13-year-old son just walked in and saw your pictures of Millie and begged to have her. He has always wanted a "pocket" dog seems how we always have large dogs. He said he'll be like Popeye, a tough guy with an itty bitty dog...cute huh.

Andrea Villarreal

What a beautiful little yorkie! The have the sweetest faces and the most lovable little personalities. Good luck letting her go! And your granddaughter is just precious:)

milli wagoner

Oh, I just don't know how you were able to let that puppy go. I love all the pictures you got of sugarwings and millie, a precious little love story for sure! My heart is sad now, I can imagine how ya'll are feeling. Thank you so much for sharing all of the puppy love with us, I enjoyed getting to see them along the way.
(((hugs))) to you and little sugarwings!
Milli (sashagirl on flickr)


Those are great photos! I know it was hard giving them all up, but what a gift to the new owners! The puppies came from a loving home, and I'm sure feel pretty at ease with being cuddled! I hope that Sugarwings is doing okay without her pals.

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