This is another post written before I left for Virginia.
One of the things we have planned while hanging out in the DC area is a big birthday celebration for Beth. She is flying out for a couple of days to visit and we are meeting up with blog friends in the area for a shopping day in Leesburg, but before that, she and I are going to go out for a ritzy dinner with Robin.
I wanted to make something special for as a gift for her, so when I came across this vintage bracelet, that says "Virginia" on it, that gave me an idea for something sentimental.
Its an old ID bracelet, and I'm sure the owner's name was Virginia, but I thought it was the perfect base for a charm bracelet to commemorate the trip.
Well, that's a tiny photo, huh? Sometimes I have no idea what I am doing.
Her birthstone is pearl, so I added lots of genuine pearls to the chain. Another stone for June is a moonstone. I had some sweet little moonstone settings that my Sissy had given me and told me to only use for special pieces. I think this is special. Beth is like my Kansas sister, my real sisses are all the way across the Midwest in Indiana.
This little silver treasure chest is meant to signify all the fun days we have had out treasure hunting together. Plus, I bought it at our favorite flea market in Sparks while on one of those treasure hunting trips.
The Eiffel Tower symbolizes our Miss Frenchie's sale.
Of course, more pearls. And a vintage heart charm, because I know how much she loves old things with a lot of history, that aren't in perfect shape. And also because I just love her to pieces!!
Now, I need to make a card and get it wrapped. Plus pack my suitcase, gather all the goodies I am packing for the other girls we are meeting up with, and get ready to hit the road. Hmm, seems weird writing this before the trip and planning for it to post next week. Well, next week for me, Today for you as you read it.
Do you remember seeing these? When I first showed them, I mentioned they were for a special event coming up. They are the little gifts that I am packing to take to the other blog pals who are meeting in Leesburg.
Some are old friends, some are people I have been wanting to meet. This is going to be a very special day, all organized by Heather, who planned it all and sent out the invitations. I owe her a big thank you for making all the arrangements from meeting places in the morning to dinner reservations that night. Also a thank you for inviting me, as well as timing it so I could be in the area to attend.
I just can't wait! And yes, there will be LOTS of photos. This will be my last "pre-made" post, the next will be in real time and I'll have pix of the trip.
Here is a list of who Heather has gathered up for this party:
If you'd like one of these journal/tag books, I am offering one as a gift in my JUNE GIVEAWAY. You enter by leaving any comment on any post.
There are also some for sale in the Boutique.
what a lucky girl beth is to have a dear friend like you!!! and your home photos....oh so "karla"!!! your home is such a beautiful reflection of you! (not that i expected any less!) enjoy your trip!!
Posted by: meleen | June 12, 2009 at 10:33 AM
Love the wallpaper journals - my daughter and I love to collect journals.
Posted by: Connie | June 12, 2009 at 10:54 AM
What a sweet gift for Beth. Aren't Beths special people? I have a daughter Beth. She and my other daughter Jennifer are just the greatest girls and mommies.
Posted by: Nancy Stone | June 12, 2009 at 11:04 AM
Oh good golly, that bracelet is soooo coool!!!! Give Beth a birthday hug for me and have great fun with the other girls. Tell everyone "Hi" for me:)))
ps, Love my cartoon you did:)))
Posted by: Carol Spinski | June 12, 2009 at 11:34 AM
Great charm bracelet! What a clever idea and I love the way it turned out!
yapping cat
Posted by: Cindy | June 12, 2009 at 12:10 PM
That sounds lovely! Beth is one lucky girl! Enjoy the rest of your trip. (Haven't been missing much as its been raining ALL week!) ;)
Posted by: Sarah | June 12, 2009 at 12:19 PM
give beth a big hug from me too, and have fun with the girls! She will love the gift!
xoxo, Tiffany
Posted by: Tiffany ~ Shabby Scraps | June 12, 2009 at 12:39 PM
I love those journals! and your bracelet is absolutely adorable...who could have known that such a treasured braclet for "Virginia" would now be the perfect gift for a "Beth" are creative and thoughtful with such attention to detail...can't wait to see the trip pics and hear all the stories...Thank you for sharing!
Posted by: Bev | June 12, 2009 at 12:39 PM
...and that hand model is fantastic, another great idea!
Posted by: Bev | June 12, 2009 at 12:41 PM
What a lovely bracelet and such a great friend. Hope you all have a great time. Can't wait to see what good trouble you get into!! Sounds like it will be a BLAST!! Don't spare any detail, some of us live vicariously you know!!!
Posted by: sandy | June 12, 2009 at 12:51 PM
The bracelet is beautiful and Beth is one lucky gal to be receiving it!
Posted by: chrisitne | June 12, 2009 at 03:14 PM
What a lovely gift from the heart! Hope you have a great time with all the girls! Can't wait to hear all about it!
Posted by: Sheila r | June 12, 2009 at 03:25 PM
Karla :
Wow, you sure keep busy ! Glad you could go on such a wonderful, trip, and doing more crafts !
That bracelet you made is lovely, as always.
Can't wait to see, all your pics.
Love the journals, too ! Gorgeous !
Looking forward to hearing all about your fun adventure.
Deborah Woodrow
Posted by: Deborah Woodrow | June 12, 2009 at 04:10 PM
You're a really dear person to have as a friend, Karla! She will love the bracelet. And I'm so envious of your fun get-together, it would be a dream come true for me to meet some of my blog friends!! I can't wait to see your photos and hear all about it.
Posted by: Andrea at Opulent Cottage | June 12, 2009 at 06:19 PM
I'm with Andrea's comment above, it would be a dream come true to meet my blog friends! Have a wonderful time with everyone.
Posted by: Rose Brier Studio | June 12, 2009 at 06:43 PM
What an awesome pressie. Beth will love it!
Have fun in Leesburg. :O)
I don't know if it is still there, but there is a little deli on Market Street, Deli South, that makes THE BEST cheesecakes DAILY!
Posted by: Cindy Is Crafty | June 12, 2009 at 07:05 PM
it is my birthday too!!! maybe i will win a lovely journal for my b-day ;)
have a fantastic weekend...
Posted by: Chasity | June 12, 2009 at 07:05 PM
Oh my what a lovely {thoughtfilled} gift for your friend. You are such a dear. Looking forward to hearing all about it when you get home.
Posted by: DeniseLynn | June 12, 2009 at 07:30 PM
Dang that Beth is lucky - say hello to her for me - I'd love to get a "gift" to if I should be so lucky. Jewels
Posted by: Julie | June 12, 2009 at 07:45 PM
The bracelet is such a thoughtful gift for Beth. She will love it. You gals enjoy your treasure hunting and tell Beth Happy Birthday.
Jean in Virginia
Posted by: Jean Eakin | June 12, 2009 at 07:46 PM
What a special gift for a special friend...I am sure she will treasure it!! From that list of talented girls, I am sure you all had a great time together.
Posted by: kana conger | June 12, 2009 at 08:05 PM
It was so wonderful getting to spend the day with all of you sweet girls - I had such a wonderful time. I love my tag journal very much. Travel safe and keep in touch!
Posted by: hope | paper relics | June 12, 2009 at 09:50 PM
Hi Karla,
It was such a pleasure meeting you and your friends, in person today! I hope you all enjoyed your time in Leesburg, I'm so glad you put Lucketts on your list of stops for the day and so glad that I was there when you all popped in.
I've been spending some time here on your blog, it's really gorgeous!! Those wallpaper journals are fabulous! You are very talented!
Posted by: Karen | June 12, 2009 at 10:03 PM
What a dear, sweet gift. I hope you all have a wonderful time shopping and spending time together.
Posted by: Melissa Burford | June 12, 2009 at 10:47 PM
Glad you're having lots of fun out there.
Posted by: joyce | June 13, 2009 at 01:17 AM
Oh wow Karla, that is the best birthday present any girl could wish to have!
It sounds like you are going to have a wonderful time meeting up with all the take photos to share.
Kiss Noises Linda
Posted by: Linda Lilly Cottage | June 13, 2009 at 03:39 AM
Oh, the birthday bracelet is so special and personal! That's one lucky friend!
Posted by: Laurie | June 13, 2009 at 09:58 AM
Hi Karla, I know you must be having a
great time! The bracelet is so pretty
and I'm sure it will be cherished. I
can't wait to hear all about your adventures
in VA. and I'm sure Sugarwings can't wait
to see you!
Posted by: Janis | June 13, 2009 at 12:56 PM
What a fun time you are no doubt having. I'd love to win one of your gorgeous journals. Count me in!
Posted by: Judy | June 13, 2009 at 02:23 PM
Your journals are beautiful! I would be honored to win one! Thanks for the chance! ~Lori
Posted by: Lori | June 13, 2009 at 07:22 PM
All of your shared projects and ideas are so inspiring. Thanks for the giveway surprise to a lucky gal. The journal is very beautiful indeed.
Posted by: Marsha | June 13, 2009 at 07:42 PM
such a wonderful meaningful giftie! sending out my love and hugz....with several layers of paint under my rooms down and 8 more to hubby gave me this...what the heck are you doing now...when i painted a bit blue rectangle on my studio ceiling...although he knows not to question
Posted by: BARBARA BURKARD | June 13, 2009 at 09:47 PM
Karla, i am so glad that we all met up in was SO nice to see you again...the bracelet you made for Beth is just lovely, even more so in person...and you can tell that she really treasures it...the tag books you made are SO pretty...i want to make mine into a momento of my trip...thanks for making them for us!!!
Posted by: Lori | June 13, 2009 at 10:56 PM
I found your blog through Karen @ Fluerish. LOVE your stuff! Can't wait to read more!
Posted by: Charmaine | June 15, 2009 at 01:02 AM
Lovely blog, lovely giveaway. Please sign me up!
Posted by: uffda in nebraska | June 19, 2009 at 11:59 AM
Hi Karla. I just came over from Beth's blog to see the meaning behind the charm birthday bracelet you gave her. What a lovely gift. It is so fun to read the significance behind each of the items you added to the design. I just did this on my blog earlier today with a necklace my daughter gave to Lauren Conrad from the Hills. It is so fun to make things specific to a person. Nice work.
The journals are great too. Now if only I would win won of those on your June give away. lol
Posted by: Gretchen Schaumann | June 22, 2009 at 11:27 AM