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June 12, 2009



what a lucky girl beth is to have a dear friend like you!!! and your home photos....oh so "karla"!!! your home is such a beautiful reflection of you! (not that i expected any less!) enjoy your trip!!



Love the wallpaper journals - my daughter and I love to collect journals.

Nancy Stone

What a sweet gift for Beth. Aren't Beths special people? I have a daughter Beth. She and my other daughter Jennifer are just the greatest girls and mommies.

Carol Spinski

Oh good golly, that bracelet is soooo coool!!!! Give Beth a birthday hug for me and have great fun with the other girls. Tell everyone "Hi" for me:)))


ps, Love my cartoon you did:)))


Great charm bracelet! What a clever idea and I love the way it turned out!

yapping cat


That sounds lovely! Beth is one lucky girl! Enjoy the rest of your trip. (Haven't been missing much as its been raining ALL week!) ;)

Tiffany ~ Shabby Scraps

give beth a big hug from me too, and have fun with the girls! She will love the gift!
xoxo, Tiffany


I love those journals! and your bracelet is absolutely adorable...who could have known that such a treasured braclet for "Virginia" would now be the perfect gift for a "Beth"....you are creative and thoughtful with such attention to detail...can't wait to see the trip pics and hear all the stories...Thank you for sharing!


...and that hand model is fantastic, another great idea!


What a lovely bracelet and such a great friend. Hope you all have a great time. Can't wait to see what good trouble you get into!! Sounds like it will be a BLAST!! Don't spare any detail, some of us live vicariously you know!!!


The bracelet is beautiful and Beth is one lucky gal to be receiving it!


Sheila r

What a lovely gift from the heart! Hope you have a great time with all the girls! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Deborah  Woodrow

Karla :
Wow, you sure keep busy ! Glad you could go on such a wonderful, trip, and doing more crafts !
That bracelet you made is lovely, as always.
Can't wait to see, all your pics.
Love the journals, too ! Gorgeous !
Looking forward to hearing all about your fun adventure.
Deborah Woodrow

Andrea at Opulent Cottage

You're a really dear person to have as a friend, Karla! She will love the bracelet. And I'm so envious of your fun get-together, it would be a dream come true for me to meet some of my blog friends!! I can't wait to see your photos and hear all about it.

Rose Brier Studio

I'm with Andrea's comment above, it would be a dream come true to meet my blog friends! Have a wonderful time with everyone.

Cindy Is Crafty

What an awesome pressie. Beth will love it!

Have fun in Leesburg. :O)

I don't know if it is still there, but there is a little deli on Market Street, Deli South, that makes THE BEST cheesecakes DAILY!


it is my birthday too!!! maybe i will win a lovely journal for my b-day ;)
have a fantastic weekend...


Oh my what a lovely {thoughtfilled} gift for your friend. You are such a dear. Looking forward to hearing all about it when you get home.


Dang that Beth is lucky - say hello to her for me - I'd love to get a "gift" to if I should be so lucky. Jewels

Jean Eakin

The bracelet is such a thoughtful gift for Beth. She will love it. You gals enjoy your treasure hunting and tell Beth Happy Birthday.
Jean in Virginia

kana conger

What a special gift for a special friend...I am sure she will treasure it!! From that list of talented girls, I am sure you all had a great time together.

hope | paper relics

It was so wonderful getting to spend the day with all of you sweet girls - I had such a wonderful time. I love my tag journal very much. Travel safe and keep in touch!


Hi Karla,
It was such a pleasure meeting you and your friends, in person today! I hope you all enjoyed your time in Leesburg, I'm so glad you put Lucketts on your list of stops for the day and so glad that I was there when you all popped in.
I've been spending some time here on your blog, it's really gorgeous!! Those wallpaper journals are fabulous! You are very talented!

Melissa Burford

What a dear, sweet gift. I hope you all have a wonderful time shopping and spending time together.


Glad you're having lots of fun out there.

Linda Lilly Cottage

Oh wow Karla, that is the best birthday present any girl could wish to have!
It sounds like you are going to have a wonderful time meeting up with all the girls..do take photos to share.
Kiss Noises Linda


Oh, the birthday bracelet is so special and personal! That's one lucky friend!


Hi Karla, I know you must be having a
great time! The bracelet is so pretty
and I'm sure it will be cherished. I
can't wait to hear all about your adventures
in VA. and I'm sure Sugarwings can't wait
to see you!



What a fun time you are no doubt having. I'd love to win one of your gorgeous journals. Count me in!



Your journals are beautiful! I would be honored to win one! Thanks for the chance! ~Lori


All of your shared projects and ideas are so inspiring. Thanks for the giveway surprise to a lucky gal. The journal is very beautiful indeed.


such a wonderful meaningful giftie! sending out my love and hugz....with several layers of paint under my nails....lol...6 rooms down and 8 more to go...my hubby gave me this...what the heck are you doing now...when i painted a bit blue rectangle on my studio ceiling...although he knows not to question much...lol


Karla, i am so glad that we all met up in Leesburg...it was SO nice to see you again...the bracelet you made for Beth is just lovely, even more so in person...and you can tell that she really treasures it...the tag books you made are SO pretty...i want to make mine into a momento of my trip...thanks for making them for us!!!


I found your blog through Karen @ Fluerish. LOVE your stuff! Can't wait to read more!

uffda in nebraska

Lovely blog, lovely giveaway. Please sign me up!

Gretchen Schaumann

Hi Karla. I just came over from Beth's blog to see the meaning behind the charm birthday bracelet you gave her. What a lovely gift. It is so fun to read the significance behind each of the items you added to the design. I just did this on my blog earlier today with a necklace my daughter gave to Lauren Conrad from the Hills. It is so fun to make things specific to a person. Nice work.
The journals are great too. Now if only I would win won of those on your June give away. lol

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About Karla Nathan

Creating Art Journals

Mini Dress Form Workshop

  • Learn how to make a mini dress form, and get tips on how to embellish your creation. This class comes with ideas, videos, instructions and ephemera images to download and print.

Wire Bird Cage Cloche Workshop Button

  • Learn a simple trick to make these cute cages and cloches in different sizes, complete with fairy image download and instructions too

Birdsong FIVE

Romantic Gothic Ghosts

  • An orange free Halloween tutorial

Romantic White Christmas E-Zine

  • Creative projects and ideas for a lovely holiday season
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