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July 13, 2009



Karla, i love to see your miss sugarwings...you should have posted those pics anyway...your wallpaper ice cream cones are cute!!!

two crazy crafters

Vintage wall paper cones, how perfect! The tag is so sweet. We are so excited that you are joining our Wizard of Oz Gala! Thanks for participating! Have a nice week! Twyla


YAY Karla! Better late than never! You crack me up!!! Im delighted you joined in on the fun, and I *ADORE* the darling little wallpaper ice cream cone. Leave it to you to think of the best ideas!! You never seize to amaze me your "Oh, I'll just whip up something fast" creativity. :)
I would have loved to have seen Sugarwings coverd in COokie montster ice cream. Dont let my perfectly groomed children fool you. Those were "before" pics. Tee! hee!
Thanks for stopping by and joining in on the fun!! ~*XOXO*~Jenn


Would have loved to have seen your Sugarwings on the yellow brick road and then sleeping in the poppies! Rachaelxo

Carol R

Sweet story of Sugarwings with all the blue ice cream. I can just picture it.
Your fairy trail was so clever and cute to see and read. Such fun ideas.
Happy Ice Cream month.


What great cones! I am sure Sugarwings would look cute with a blue face too!

Sheri and Sophee~a

Ok...I am the curious one......love the ice cream cones but what was on the paper????LOL

Never miss a picture of Sugarwings....she is adorable. I love her free~nature....she looks and acts like a CHILD :)



Ice cream cones are so sweet!! but I hate I missed whatever was behind them.....off to see what is in your etsy shop now!


I love your ice cream cones. I hope you don't mind if I still that idea. They are lovely!

I've been wanting to order some things from your store for awhile now so I'm headed on over!


LiLi M.

Everybody is talking icecream and I have to think what you tell about that robin postcard. Is it possible that that card is from the place where robins spend winter? :-D
It took me years before I realized that we as children used to learn that birds were going to Africa in autumn, why did no one ever mention that birds from the North came up here and neither that they would return in Spring? Or was I the only one to miss that part?


I wish you would post the pictures of Sugarwings covered in ice cream! It sounds precious! Especially with her on the Yellow Brick Road!!


you made us all curious about the magazine behind the cone!!
the little journals are so sweet....
don't you love the bright colors that ice cream comes in these days? you and that cutie have such good times together!

Andrea Villarreal

All right so what did it say. Something juicy?? Inquiring minds want to know. And for future reference I'd rather see kids really enjoying their ice cream and making a mess than posed groomed ones. Sugarwings looks cute even with a mouth full of charcoal milk:) LOL


Man, I miss all the juicy stuff! LOL! These are all stunning! I am going to have to go check out the shop since you are offering this amazing sale! I just may have to treat myself to a little something!


Even without the photos of dripping blue ice cream on a fairy grandchild skipping along a yellow brick road, it's a lovely story to imagine. And chocolate ink!! Oh my :).


I just love that notebook & tag! There's something infinitely cheerful about an ice cream cone. You're super-clever in making them. I swear, you must have an idea fairy at your house, 'cause I would never think any of these great crafty thoughts!


What great cones!


Oh Karla, I too, would have loved to have seen
a picture of Sugarwings with her blue
ice cream and I'm sure she was adorable
singing and dancing on the yellow brick
path! Your ice cream cones are wonderful!
LOVE the tag!!



WOnderful and creative post.


Your ice cream cards are adorable. I would love to see Sugarwings and the ice cream : ) I am off to check out your shop.


I love the story about Sugarwings, I would love to see the pics.8-)
The ice cream cones made of vintage wallpaper are very creative and beautiful.
Ps Thanks for stopping by my party & the nice comment.


Love the story about Sugarwings...I gotta tell you that tag you made with the icecream cone is so adorable..I also love the postcards with the birds on them..



And I love the idea of Christmas in July with the birds!


geeze, I've been without internet for three days and I miss all the action! WHAT did the print say?!!!
The ice cream cones are so sweet!

ice cream maker

Another great frozen treat be made by using yogurt and variety of flavors to make creamy frozen dessert. You use in different flavors and add fruit like berries, banana slices, cherries, or peaches and make creamy, low calorie & healthy treat.

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About Karla Nathan

Creating Art Journals

Mini Dress Form Workshop

  • Learn how to make a mini dress form, and get tips on how to embellish your creation. This class comes with ideas, videos, instructions and ephemera images to download and print.

Wire Bird Cage Cloche Workshop Button

  • Learn a simple trick to make these cute cages and cloches in different sizes, complete with fairy image download and instructions too

Birdsong FIVE

Romantic Gothic Ghosts

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Romantic White Christmas E-Zine

  • Creative projects and ideas for a lovely holiday season
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