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August 17, 2009



Such a sweet post! What a terrific grandma you are!! (I'm taking notes!) ;-)

Heather ~ Pretty Petals

Happy Birthday to Sugarwings!


The two of them together is just a cuteness overload! Good job on the healthy cake. Maybe the insides balanced out all that sugary goodness on top.


So much cuteness, Sugar sweet thanks for sharing. Sure looks like the girls had so much fun!
Hugs, Diane

Hena Tayeb

look like the girls had fun

LiLi M.

You made some gorgeous photos of the birthday! All keepers or should I say framers?! Thanks for sharing!


Sweet Karla! Love the black and white photo with colored balloon. very Oz. When my Baby was SugarWings age, she was obsessed with MGM musicals...knew all the dialogue and lyrics to ShowBoat, Kiss Me Kate, Oklahoma, and of course, the Wizard of Oz (not MGM, though, I think?) Anyway, You have inspired me to put a bit of yellow brick road into my garden, leading back to the Secret Shade Garden behind the garage, with child size doorway and heaven knows what else, it is a work in planning. What fun! Your Friend Bobbi.


I enjoy your blog very much Karla...thanks for letting us glimpse into your life. Happy b-day sugarwings.

Susan Reaney

Aw! That is the sweetest thing! Waldorf School is the perfect match for her, Karla. I have a little "Sugarwings" who is twenty-nine and we strongly considered it for her. She has struggled to find a way to match her creativity with...a payong JOB! Majored in Drama and Film Studies. Worked fancy clothes retail. Then did a semester of Costume Design. Didn't want to sew forever. Then wanted to do Art Therapy. We told our little KittyKat" that she would have to pay for all the prerequisites...and she did. Now she is getting her Masters in Clinical Social Work with a certificate in Expressive Therapies. Finally! It only took twelve years! But...back to the topic. I think Sugarwings will just THRIVE at Waldorf School (and I was a school psych so I have a strong opinion about things like that!)


This was delightful. Simply delightful! I actually thought the too-sugared birthday cake looked kinda good!! Love these pics, too. One question. Why have you not purchased yourself Photoshop? I am addicted to it. I started with PS Elements and to be honest it's pretty much what I still use most the time. You would loooooove it!! - Kathy in Chicago happy to help you spend your money ;o)


My stars Karla what a wonderful birthday party your lil sugarwings had and that she has such a sweet lil cousin to share it with. I almost want a grandbaby of my own to try all these wonderful things with but being that my eldest just turned 18, I think I will wait for just a tad longer :) but I did want to say that, the first picture where she is walking on the yellow brick road and looking towards the camera...my stars, she looks stunning...she could be a lil model. Both lil girls are delish though, makes me want another one...no wonder my Mr wonderful had no complaints when I bought that big old baby doll today, I think he figured it was easier than the real thing:) Rose

Gumbo Lily

*Simple & Sweet* birthday. Sugar Wings is blessed to have such a good Fairy Grandmother.



oh, just look at those darling girls...how precious and sweet they are!!!


Wonderful pictures Karla. The balloons were a fabulous idea! What a magical and loving place you created for the girls! Lori


Oh Gosh!! I just loved all the sweet photos of the girls... You really know how to capture them.. they sure were having fun with the cake,,, looked so yummy to me... I wish you sweet little Sugar wings a very Happy Birthday full of lovely wishes.... and dreams come true..



dearest karla,

this beautiful post is just filled with love and precious moments captured.

one of the sweetest pics ever of sugar wings and i GASPED over little pixie pie. what an adorable little nickname.

you must just revel in your moments with these little magical sweetie pies.



i'm having a little giveaway to celebrate my 1st blogthday if you'd like to hop over.


Pixie Pie and Sugarwings!! How adorable!!


I think Sugarwings took a stretch. She looks taller to me. Could it be her birthday made her prettier? Give her a kiss for me. Martha


Karla...I think EVERYONE should get to spend their birthday on the Fairy Berry Trail...how enchanting :)


Beautiful photos Karla!! Pixie Pie reminds
me of my Niece when she was little. :)


Zita - Mlle Magpie

Sounds like a perfect day, Karla!

Lee W.- As I See It

you are the best grandma ever! I love the idea of the memories she'll have of these days.


So much sweetness!! And I don't mean the cake decorating. :) That picture of Pixie Pie with the big smile is so cute - she looks like she's about to burst from happiness!!!





What a great party you all had! The "cakes" were wonderful and I loved the pictures of the girls on the yellow brick road. WE ALL know all roads lead to Kansas! Loved looking a the joy and wonder on their little faces! All the green is so beautiful, too. As grandmothers go you're one of the bestest!!

Jessica Canham

Such sweet little girls! I'm glad Sugarwings had a nice birthday on the Fairy Berry trail! Those photos are just the sweetest and I can't believe she's three already.

Bunny Rose Cottage

Such an enchanting post Karla!! You have the most magical place! Every little girl - and big girls dream! Happy Birthday Sugarwings!!



Man, you miss a blog for a day or two and you miss a celebration! Happy Belated Ms. Sugarwings!


What a SWEET SWEET post! Gosh Sugarwings is sooo lucky to have you. I am loving the fairy trail!!! Happy Birthday Sugarwings!
BTW....Pixie pie is adorable as well !!! :) XO,Jenn

Elaine L.

You are such a fun grandma!



Aaawwww I'm late I'm late (I kinda sound like Mr. Rabbit, huh? LOL)

Oh dearie, she really is a darling. Reading and seeing the pictures, I think it's nice to celebrate birthdays for young ones just like these. Letting her enjoy the thins that she truly love with an added special twist just for this day :-) I mean, look at those yummy cakes!

And there again, the fairy berry trail. I'm curious how you'll celebrate yours too :-)


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Wow! wonderful. The girls had so much fun. You can see from their faces the joy and happiness.

Natasha Burns

OH I want to go spend a birthday at the Fairy Berry Trail too! Happy belated birthday to sweet little Sugarwings! What a special day and special memories you are creating for her. You're the best grandma ever!!!

Linda K. Kelly

Karla, I am so impressed with your Grammying skills! I do my best to be a great one also to my two little kidlets, ages 9 and 4. It goes so fast!!! Love the trail and all you do to make it so endearing.


She is just divine and so sweet with her little cousin! I can just see wings on the back of them! Good choice of school for her, she will just thrive! Rachaelxo


Pixie Pie sure looks pleased with her sugary creation! And, as always, Sugar Wings is the cutest fairy of all!


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Creating Art Journals

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