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May 21, 2010



OH my gosh...poor Twinkle...you must have been terrified! I'm SO glad she is ok now! Your studio looks amazing- I hope it's a wonderful weekend with friends!


Oh poor Twinkle...poor babies...glad to hear you caught it right away.

Julia - Vintage with Laces

I'm very glad that Twinkle is doing fine now. What a shock for you!
My studio is so small and such a mess. I'd love to move into yours :-).
Have a wonderful weekend and a lot of fun with your guests!


Very scary! I'm so glad that Twinkle is alright! Have a wonderful weekend with your friends.



So sorry to hear about your sweet Twinkle. We lost our beloved dalmatian, Argos, a few weeks ago are miss him so much. He was such a good friend and companion!!

Now I must go clean up all of my non-studio spaces!



Oh so glad Twinkle is ok - Had a scare with our little sweetie last week (13 yrs old ) I know will be inevitable someday (sigh ) -- but for now -- runs like a puppy -so cute (10 lbs )
LUCKY !!!Suzanne and you also -- She is so sweet and talented -- Met her with the GA - blog group recently --
Can't wait to see your creations !! The studio looks divine !!! Kathy - ga ♥


Poor Twinks, so glad she is ok. I know how precious she is to you.
Enjoy your visit and have a great time!

Laraine Atherton

Poor baby...glad to hear Twinkle is feeling better. Twinkle is so tiny, just a little bit of fur covering tiny bones. It's amazing how something so small can fill up such a big spot in our lives.

Dee Ann Head

So glad to hear Twinks will recover! It must have been very scary for you!
Your studio looks fantastic and all set for a great weekend! Enjoy!

Shellagh Selee

I'm so glad Twinkle is ok. How scary!

Your studio does look amazing....I'm trying to put a studio together & looking for inspiration so perfect timing!



Morning Karla..how very scarey!!!glad she is doing well...your studio looks lovely..so inviting,,like the rest of your home...have a great weekend..it is a holiday here in Canada...I stay home...to much traffic,and folks in campgrounds thinking they are having a good time..nada...take care of yourself...& Twinkle...Lorraine

Rochelle Gaukel

Oh poor Twinkles....this is something I shall look out for with Lola and her brood. How old are your pups? I'm just glad she is safe and on the road to recovery. btw, your studio looks so nice and tidy! :)
Have a great weekend with your gals....


I just want to come over and soak up that beautiful studio in person! You are going to have a wonderful weekend with a studio full of guests! Happy creating.

Glad Twinkles is doing better. It's amazing what a lack of calcium does to a body. I didn't realize it was so important to the heart function also. Everything is such a delicate balance. A kiss to sweet Twinkles and her babies!

charmaine deadman

oh my gosh! That's so scary! I hope Twinkle and the pups pull through okay. I'm glad she is doing better.


Oh, that's so scary! I'm so glad that Twinkle is okay!


Oh Twinkle, you poor little darling, you have been such a good mummy, making your babies all big and strong and then you fell ill because of it. I hope you won't miss nursing your babies. Big cuddles to you.


Oh my poor thing! hope they are are doing well!
I seriously would love to come "play" in that studio looks like so much fun!

luvs and glitter

Laurie Jackson

Oh my goodness, what a scare! Poor Twinkle. Well, weaning had to happen sooner or later, right?! ;) I hope you can rest and relax the rest of the weekend, Karla.


how scary Karla...i am so happy that sweet Twinkle is all right...have fun playing with your guests in the studio!!!

Mary Green

Poor Twinkle - AND YOU! Did you go to the overnight care in Overland Park? That's where we went with Sage, I'm so glad your outcome was a good one. Give her a kiss for me. P.S. The studio looks great!


Oh Karla, I feel just awful that this happened to
your sweet Twinkle. I pray that she continues to
feel better and I hope that this weekend will not be
stressful for you. Sending lot's of healing hugs!!!
Please let us know how everyone is doing when you have
a chance.

Julie Hayes

Oh, so sorry Twinkle is not feeling well. Here's to her feeling much better soon and the pups learning to eat regular puppy food. (((hugs)))

Brenda Kula

I remember 30 years ago when my youngest daughter was a baby. I kept having breast infections and one landed me in the hospital with a very high fever. Her father was miserable trying to distract her, as there was no giving her what she wanted! I feel for ya!

Susan Freeman

I am so relieved to hear that Twinkle will be fine. What a scare! I'm sure it's tough for both the babies and their mama. I'm sending good thoughts to you all!!

Susan and Bentley


Oh how awful ! The poor sweet dog . I really hope she'll be ok . This news has brought tears to my eyes and reminds me of just how fragile and fleeting life can be.
hugs, Sue


How scary! Glad she will be ok!

Sheila R

What an awful scare! So glad she is doing better!


So glad your dog is ok. We had a small dog that couldn't nurse after awhile...same thing...and we had to feed the puppies every few hours. But it was worth it...just scary. We get so attached to our dogs don't we? Glad your little one is ok!

Freda Butler

With all your friends being there over the weekend they can keep the puppies happy and let Twinkles be on her own to recover. Do you have to bottle feed them or can they just go on puppy feed? Easier if they can for you.

Have a great weekend after your scare and relax if you can.



Kerryanne English

Oh no... poor Twinks. Now I feel sorry for the babies too. I hope your crafting friends share their love and cuddles for them today.
Enjoy your special day Karla.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne


So glad to hear that Twinkle is ok!! Hope the babies don't cry too much.
Enjoy your special time with your friends!!


Very scary; So glad you got her in time to the Vet!!! Poor
Enjoy your friends and they will enjoy you and the pups!

Zita - Mlle Magpie

Oh what a terrible night you have had and poor little Twinkle. Good thing you'll have lots of friends around to help out with those adorable pups. Your studio looks so wonderful - I'm sure all of your guests will have an amazing time there!


Sweet Karla! Thank God she is all right. I had to go to Baltimore yesterday in the middle of my workday to help my distraught daughter take the best cat ever, Mr. Whiskers, to the Rainbow Bridge. It was heartbreaking. I am so thankful, truly, that dear Twinks is going to be okay. I didn't know that that could happen to nursing mommas. Poor puppies! I am sure they will do okay, you couldn't have had your get-together on a better day! Your Friend, Bobbi


Oh, my heart sunk when I first read this. I'm so glad your dear little Twinks is going to be okay. I've never heard of such a thing! - Have a better weekend, okay?! - Kathy

Paula Clare

Hi Carla,
Oh! Dear sweet Twinkle...being a mommy has completely depleted her of nourishment! She's such a precious little thing, I am SO GLAD you found out in time what was wrong and how to correct it! I'll be praying for both momma and pups...and for Twinkle's caretakers! How hard it must be to see such a dear member of the family so ill!


oh my GOSH! How terrible! You must have been so scared! Those little stinkers are sucking the life right out of her!
I'm so happy and relieved there is a happy ending!

Mitzi Curi

Does this mean you have to bottle feed six puppies? Just wondering.....and I'm so thankful your dear Twinkle is OK. I would flip out if that happened....you seem good at handling many things at once, Karla. Your bird house party looked so amazing! I'm totally going to try this project and make one of those little gems!


Yikes. glad she's ok!

Natasha Burns

Oh my! poor dear little Twinkle! I hope she will be ok!!! She's such a sweetheart, I loved how she visited up in the bedroom when I stayed with you. I'd be devastated if something happened to her. I'm sure you are heart broken with worry :(
thinking of you guys xoxo


Oh my goodness, poor poor Twinkle! Have read further on and found she is going to be ok. You must have been terrified! Give her a big kiss from me, she is my favourite blog dog! Rachaelxo

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About Karla Nathan

Creating Art Journals

Mini Dress Form Workshop

  • Learn how to make a mini dress form, and get tips on how to embellish your creation. This class comes with ideas, videos, instructions and ephemera images to download and print.

Wire Bird Cage Cloche Workshop Button

  • Learn a simple trick to make these cute cages and cloches in different sizes, complete with fairy image download and instructions too

Birdsong FIVE

Romantic Gothic Ghosts

  • An orange free Halloween tutorial

Romantic White Christmas E-Zine

  • Creative projects and ideas for a lovely holiday season
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