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August 04, 2010



I just signed up and will grab your button right now!
Thanks for another great swap idea!

Cami @ Creating Myself

I sent you my info (please list my blog), I've added your button to my blog & I'll also do a post on it very soon. Thanks for hosting again Karla...I had soo much fun w/ the Alice tag swap!


Hi Karla... I love WATCHING your swaps the creativity amazes me! Your pup in a dress is enchanting! and I never realized you were in Kansas... how appropriate, the hype over the movie anniversary must be huge!

Deborah Woodrow

Love this idea, Karla...count me in, for the swap .
Its one of my favorite movies ! Love the yorkie in the dress ! Adorable.


Have a great time Karla, I`m sure this will be a wonderfull swap for all of you.
Happy day, to you ,dear.
Hugs, Dorthe

Ruth Flowers

Hi Karla! please count me in , I had fun with the last 2 swaps.


I'm inviting all of the people I follow over to my giveaway! Hope to see you there!

Karen Young

Karla, thank you for the wonderful images. I am looking forward to working on my tags.

Hugs Karen


I'm so glad found you! I'm emailing you now! Blessings! [email protected]


This will be my first tag swap and I am excited. Now if I can just get some good ideas. I will be sending my info by email. Thanks for this opportunity.


I popped over from The Rusted Chain.
Would love to participated in your swap.
I'll get your button too.




I've signed up...and the ideas are popping!
Cheers from Oz
...the Down Under one. LOL

Joanna {sweet finds}

Hi Karla,

I sooo wanna play!!! I missed out on your other tag swap & I totally regret it. I have sent you a e-mail with my info. Please include me. :) thanks! Joanna

Melissa Test

Count me in Karla, You have been an inspiration to me and I have now started my own blog. As soon as I can figure out the "button" thing (how to get one on my blog) I will ad it. The tag's will be my first project over and it's my first swap. How cool is that!!!


yes! fun! This is my most favorite movie of all time! I used to look forward to the ONE DAY A YEAR it would be on TV...it was definitely a major event in our house! Then when I had kids of my own I played it, and watched it while they were in utero so they're all a little brainwashed about the movie too!


Hi I would love to take part

I grow up watching this movie every Christmas and infact it doesn't feel like Christmas if I don't get to see it.
I added your very cute button to my blog. Hugs Wendy at http://blissangels.blogspot.com
Email [email protected]


I've signed up! I'm so excited! There's so many directions this can take- Yes, I'm flooded with ideas too!

Wendy Bearden

I am so excited about joining this tag book swap. I just love it. I just sent you the email with my info. and I am putting your button on my blog now. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. I am so very excited.
Wendy from Wonderland


I just sent off an email, I hope there is still time to join!


I'm putting my creative muse to her whim and look forward to seeing what she comes up with. Red sparkle speaks certainly. Thanks for the opportunity to join in this swap. *creative hugs to you all* from Norma


Look out for tags from Australia, they will be winging their way next week :-)



The dress on the dog is beyond adorable. I need to get one now for my dog.

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About Karla Nathan

Creating Art Journals

Mini Dress Form Workshop

  • Learn how to make a mini dress form, and get tips on how to embellish your creation. This class comes with ideas, videos, instructions and ephemera images to download and print.

Wire Bird Cage Cloche Workshop Button

  • Learn a simple trick to make these cute cages and cloches in different sizes, complete with fairy image download and instructions too

Birdsong FIVE

Romantic Gothic Ghosts

  • An orange free Halloween tutorial

Romantic White Christmas E-Zine

  • Creative projects and ideas for a lovely holiday season
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