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March 03, 2011


Riased In Cotton~Carol

That's how I stand when I make jam:)) Darling:)


Isn't jam making fun! I don't have a large freezer so I have to use a water bath method for mine. And we do the low sugar/organic-whenever-possible type here too. We've had a few setting disasters, but those just become fancy pancake syrup. :) It's so wonderful that you're teaching Sugarwings about making her own quality food...she'll never forget these special times with you.


I make jam every year, blueberry, raspberry, strawberry and sometimes apricot. (I didnt last summer as I had a bunch left from the previous summer since most of my kids had moved out.. not as much gets eaten!) I usually buy the lower sugar suregel. you dont even notice the that there is less sugar!
this will be a jam making year again as I am OUT of homemade jam! I've been buying the all fruit spreads since before christmas!
YOur little sugarwings is lucky to have such a good grammie! I love the picture of her standing on two chairs.. doesnt she give you a heart attack? lol!
have a great weekend

LiLi M.

This looks like sooo much fun!

Maija lepore

You are a fabulous Grammies!! Sufarwings is a dolly!!!


Homemade sugar free organic jam with homemade yougert? Someone call social services I gave my kids chicken nuggets for dinner. I think I threw in some watermelon. Not organic. LOL You are the rockinest Grandmother ever, do they tell you that a lot? Well they should cuz you are.

Elaine L.

I bet the yogurt and strawberry jelly tasted yummy!


Karla, this is too much fun...love freezer jam..


Only one word for this post.


(especially the photo of Sugarwings standing on two chairs)

ann perry

Sounds yummy~


And it looks heavenly, too-dear Karla,
And the most wonderfull ,is that you two had lots of fun-like alwayes :)
Mathilde will be here from sunday-and then the whole week-without her family-- we will have fun, too.
Hugs, Dorthe


I have been wanting to try freezer jam! That looks like fun! I always buy the low sugar stuff too, I like it just as much and my kids never knew the difference!
hugs! karen....

Vick Cotnoir

My Father would call that Ice Cream topping!

He has always been the best for seeing the best in things,and put many of my kitchen experiments on ice cream!


Hi...I've never made jelly before. It looks delicious! I will have to try sometime because I prefer the taste of natural sweet without all the artificial sweetness.

Have a great day!


It sounds delicious! Sugarwings is getting so tall!


I agree- that picture of her on the chair (s) is adorable!

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