This week has been a hodge podge. I repainted a fairy, finished another, signed up a TON of people for the swap (yay! This will be a fun one!), babysat my own little fairies, and baked a TON of bread. I might just weigh a TON more now that I've experimented with my new bread machine a bit...
As the smell of fresh baked bread fills the house, my Sister-In-Law, Sandy, and I do all we can to stop ourselves from standing over it, each clutching a stick of butter in our greedy little paws.
You know you've baked too much, when you realize the 5 lb bag of flour is empty.
I'm not a measuring type, but I've tried to approximate measures, so that the machine will be filled with the right amounts, and not overflow. And I've learned that as much as I love the pure whole wheat flour, it can be a bit heavy for most people. I've switched to mostly whole wheat, and about a 1/3 bread flour. Its lighter and breadier.
Pure whole wheat does make a good, solid, filling peasant type bread though.
Here is my favorite made up recipe (sort of- my own measurements are eyeballed)
Yummy Bread (as Sugarwings calls it)
1-1/2 cup leftover coffee, still warm, not hot (I drink Starbucks Vanilla)
1/2 cup organic clover honey
3/4 cup dried mixed berries
1/2 cup roasted pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup roasted sunflower seeds
2 cups whole wheat flour (organic)
1 cup unbleached organic bread flour
2-1/4 tsp bread machine yeast
Dump into machine in that order. From what I hear, you want the liquid on the bottom and the yeast on the top. I don't know why.
Bake on the whole wheat setting.
Stand by with your stick of butter so you are ready when the bread is done! (notice that I didn't add oil or butter to the mix? I forgot to, and liked it better this way, it was moist and soft, and I put enough butter on top while its hot, that I do not need any inside the loaf too)
Bread machines are too, too easy to use. It takes me less than five minutes to make a loaf of deliciousness. If I keep this up, I will become housebound, too big to fit through the front door.
On Thursday, it got up to 107 degrees. In June. Yes, 107. Dang!
I had both little girls here, and we really did try to play outside. We turned on the hose, made mud pies and stayed in the shade till almost noon. I was proud of myself for staying out that long. As soon as lunch time came, I had the perfect excuse to give up on the great outdoors and get into the air conditioning.
Then, we did the same thing we do on blizzardy days. We built a fort of blankets over the dining room table, filled the floor with pillows and climbed in to watch movies and read books. We also brought markers, and drew all over the under belly of the table. Sugawings traced her foot and I dated it.
It was too hot for the chickens today too, when I turned on the hose to water the flower beds, a couple of them dove in to cool off in the water.
There hasn't been a lot of time for making things other than bread this week. I did finish a few book covers for the swap, I need to keep on top of that and make a few here and there, so I'm not swamped with too many at the last moment. We are at about 60 or so right now.
I hope you'll join us if you haven't yet.
Believe it or not, I actually made time to list some millinery packs in the Boutique!
Including some Halloween/Autumn tones.
And one magnificent double white rose with white velvet ribbons!
Good bread is lovely isn't it. I don't make my own like you have, but we can buy really good bread from our local supermarket.
Posted by: Louise @ Elsie May and Bertha | June 29, 2012 at 03:28 AM
Oh, that bread sounds yummy and healthy, too! If I had a bread machine, I can tell you that I would be joining you in the challenge not to stuff big handfuls in my mouth!! Ha!
Wow! Sixty fairy book enthusiasts! I am on my 3rd fairy page and am loving it! So far I have used 3 different fairies. I decided I would enjoy the variety instead of using the same fairy in each one. I may end up using some fairies twice, but so far I haven't. : )
Your book cover shown here is just beautiful!
It has been horribly hot here, too, Karla. I go outside only when I really have to. A perfect excuse to stay indoors and work on our swap book. ; )
Posted by: Linda P. | June 29, 2012 at 06:52 AM
Hi Karla, Your fairie's face is so sweet! And the bread looks delicious. I wish I hadn't given my bread machine away! ~Marti
Posted by: marti | June 29, 2012 at 11:38 AM
I don't know the "why" of yeast on top, but I am not going to test the reasoning. I have made a loaf of whole wheat bread every day and have put pine nuts in the machine. Today I will try your recipe. I do use honey and have used maple syrup. It sure is fun, and my guy loves it!
Love your new painting!! is beautiful.
Posted by: Sharon Penney-Morrison | June 29, 2012 at 12:37 PM
Karla, I have enjoyed spending the afternoon getting caught up on your blog. I was horrified when I realized I was a month behind. I get too caught up in my two online ovarian cancer support groups and in keeping up with research. It's good to see that you are all doing fine... Hubby is as hunky as ever and both of the grand babies are growing like weeds. Hugs, Elaine
Posted by: Elaine L. | June 29, 2012 at 05:50 PM
I love to make bread too! And now I make jam with strawberries, peaches and applebutter. Oh my goodness. I especially love the photo of your chookies in the yard. Have a great 4th!
Posted by: Linda Bloom | July 01, 2012 at 03:02 AM
Oh, sounds so peaceful and lovely at your house. Even if it is 107 degrees -- I hope you have a cooler July. (Us, too!)
Posted by: Laurie | July 02, 2012 at 12:45 PM
There is nothing that smells better than bread baking in the oven. I also like to take it along during day trips to snack on for a "taste of home." I really want my own break making machine one day.
Posted by: Anne | July 04, 2012 at 01:54 PM
My mom had a bread machine and use to make me homemade bread. It was amazing. I want to raise chickens myself in my backyard but I'm worried about the noise that they will make. Poor neighbors have to put up with chicken noises all night long.
Posted by: Mike | October 23, 2012 at 07:37 PM