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March 18, 2013



I just moved to bloglovin on Thursday and it was quick. When I signed up it asked if I wanted to import all my google reader blogs and it took maybe 45 seconds! I'm " lovin" this new reader!

Tami Hacker

Congratulations Karla on your feature in Somerset Apprentice! I will look for this issue.

I am confused by all the blog connectors. I still have Google Friend on mine and it still works. I can still sign up to follow other blogs that offer it. I am wondering; however, since I do not offer other types of connections if I may be limiting viewers to follow me. I am not blog-savvy in this area. Any thoughts?

becky h

I love bloglovin


I'm still able to use google friend connect on blogger and I was disappointed you can't still do it. I just signed up for your Mr. Linky -- seems a little spammy to me (in the four emails I received over 2 minutes after signing up!) but maybe that'll end. I do blog lovin sign up, too but I think I forgot my password! Didn't let me in. Glad I see you on FB!


Thanks for letting me know that Google Reader is going away. Im switching to bloglovin.

Karla Nathan

Tami, Id say offer as many as you can. Yes, friend connect still works with blogspot, just not typepad. When we lost the use of it, I lost a couple hundred followers on google reader that had signed up with it. Now that google reader is leaving, I dont know if friend connect will still be functional at all.

Karla Nathan


I saw that piece in an add for the magazine, in one of the other magazines I bought recently! That's a really cool piece!


I hopped onto to Feedly because I had a ton of blogs to transfer and they basically copied my Google Reader settings over. It's taking a little bit of getting used to, but it's pretty.

Kate garfield

Karla, I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about. I'm so out of it, unless someone shows me something or I read about..... I don't do FB, just Twitter. Maybe I'll catch on by reading these comments and such! Thanks!

Karla Nathan

Kate, these are sites where you can sign up and then add all of your favorite blogs to. Then you simply go to that site to read them. You no longer have to go to each blog to see if there has been an update or not. They make blog browsing quick and easy.

Linda McMillin

congratulations on being published! i won't comment on the blog stuff because i have no idea what it's about. i will learn if/when forced :).

Dean Designs

I use "Feedly". I like the way my blogs show a picture with the title and little snippet of info. Helps me decide what I want to really read and what I want to skim over....lol

Karla Nathan

Thanks for the feedly tip. The photos are a good idea.

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About Karla Nathan

Creating Art Journals

Mini Dress Form Workshop

  • Learn how to make a mini dress form, and get tips on how to embellish your creation. This class comes with ideas, videos, instructions and ephemera images to download and print.

Wire Bird Cage Cloche Workshop Button

  • Learn a simple trick to make these cute cages and cloches in different sizes, complete with fairy image download and instructions too

Birdsong FIVE

Romantic Gothic Ghosts

  • An orange free Halloween tutorial

Romantic White Christmas E-Zine

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