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April 13, 2013



I'm getting lots of chuckles out of this post! I'm a Tab junkie -- so three cheers o giving up the Diet Coke most of the time. I am not so strong!

But you are right -- we can get so invested in something we love that it does become an addiction. And because you do it so well, I can see why you would be sucked in! But it does sound like the right thing to cut back and enjoy it now and then, helping Beth or setting up for a show. You manage to pack a lot in this post -- and I have a big smile on my face as I read it!

Thought of you yesterday -- Someone gave me a new cherry bookcase for the living room and the old one there is going to be painted white and put in the bedroom. I'm going to do my Karla thing, I said -- as soon as it's warm enough to make paint stick! (Have to do this baby in the garage!)


Karla ~ Thanks for the chicken picture -- we know how proud of them she is, don't we.

Marilyn in Missoui


Karla - Love the chicken picture. When My little peeps grow up I will have a flock of twenty. Still not comparable to this pretty flock. Thanks for sharing.


Wow Karla, I can so relate...although I have never done the booth thing for very long as you did. But, I dabble at it with my yearly sale at my home. You are so right, it is back breaking work and you wonder why you do it, but it is just is so rewarding to create something from a piece of trash to everyone else!! I try to keep myself under control as I am just not as able phyically to do all the things I used to. I would also agree that it is a sort of addiction and can keep us focused on things that don't really have a lot of lasting value in this world. It can take us away from the people we love. Thanks for reminding me of these things. I will try to remember next week when it is discount day at the thrift store or I see all those gorgeous garage and estate sale signs!! I already have a garage full of projects, ha. Linda

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About Karla Nathan

Creating Art Journals

Mini Dress Form Workshop

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