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April 19, 2013


Linda P.

I love your lockets, Karla! Victorian Trading Co. outlet store in Kansas City, you say? Oh, if there wasn't a reason before to head to KC during my Birdsong visit, I'm thinkin' I just found one!!!

Your dresses are just gorgeous, and I am so happy for you that you found a great deal! An Enchanted Affaire is almost here. I am really looking forward to seeing your photos of the event when you return.

Janet Ghio

Love the lockets and the dresses!!


Oh those lockets are to die for -- as are the dresses!


These are awfully cute and I'm glad to hear you didn't do the soldering and all that or I would have felt extra inadequate! It all looks terrific -- you'll look fab, the lockets will be wonderful and I sigh, thinking of Birdsong soon and all your creativity that will occur there and at Enchanted Affaire. Sigh.


Victorian Trading Co catalog makes me dog-ear page after page, wanting to buy this and that. Your lockets are precious. Dresses are beautiful.


Love, love, love!! The lockets are so pretty, are you considering putting any in your store? I too enjoy VTC. I wish I lived near an outlet store. But it's probably better for my pocketbook that I don't.

Sheila R

Beautiful dress and lockets!


VTC has an outlet store?? Oh dear, a long way from PA. LOVE your dresses, and the lockets are wonderful!

Karla Nathan

Im afraid it is the one and only outlet store. The company is based in KC. It is in a warehouse but they have made the store pretty as can be.

Karla Nathan

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About Karla Nathan

Creating Art Journals

Mini Dress Form Workshop

  • Learn how to make a mini dress form, and get tips on how to embellish your creation. This class comes with ideas, videos, instructions and ephemera images to download and print.

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Birdsong FIVE

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