Thank you for all of your kind words about Ryan. He is doing remarkably well and has no permanent damage. But will be on meds all of his life so this doesn't happen again.
And thanks for your encouragement to me not to feel guilty. I think most of us understand Mom Guilt. It stays with you.
My husband said my last blog post sounded like I was giving myself a pity party. He is probably right, I've turned into a mushy mess, now that the crisis is past.
It's been an odd year for me, with upheavals (good and bad), no real routine to settle into, and lots of trips. Change doesn't always settle well with me, I'm a stick in the mud, homebody type. I'm ready for some monotonous, day to day, regular boring days. Ha! Like that will happen....
In the meantime, I guess I'll keep rolling with the waves.
It's past due for me to announce my two giveaway winners. The charming little novel goes to:
A surprise winner.... I have her address from something else, so I will just drop this in the mail and surprise her with it. I'll let you know who it was later on.
And for Carol's generous giveaway of an entry to Jeanne's online seminar? The winner is this comment:
I would love to win this awesome class! The book sounds awesome, too. I'd love to win either. Thank you for the opportunity! Mona
Mona, I'll give your info to Carol and she will contact you. I know she is out of town this week, so don't think she has forgotten you if you don't hear from her right away.
So glad Ryan is doing better. Who would ever consider a heart attack at his age?! He is young and healthy! Hope things get back in a good, slow, monotaneous (sp?) routine for you! I am a homebody, too! I hate when I don't get the time to just be at home!
Posted by: gail | September 09, 2013 at 08:48 AM
Oh Dear One, "Mom Guilt" is the worst. For some silly reason, conventional wisdom says that Moms are NEVER supposed to make ANY mistakes. Now! How silly is that, hu? Who else gets such a sentence pronounced on their heads?
No one, that's who!
Mistakes are human. For EVERYONE, but Moms. Hehhhhh....
We simply must not let the "ol' Mom Guilt" stick! We must not. We get up and roll with the waves, as you have so prettily illustrated.
Hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs,
Posted by: Tessa | September 09, 2013 at 09:31 AM
And while I'm at it, I leave another bit of "Olden Wisdom 101"... -grin-
Our blogs are ours. To do with, whatever feels proper to us. No, we don't like to wallow in down-ish posts. But now and then, it does one good, to let steam off, or moan a bit, etc.
And we have the perfect right to do so!
So never (kind-of) apologize for a past post... Which wasn't all "sweetness-and-light." That's life. "Olden Wisdom 101"... :-)
Posted by: Tessa | September 09, 2013 at 09:35 AM
Congratulations to the winner! I know you must have been so frightened with Ryan, but breathe deeply and move forward. I think anyone who knows you knows what a compassionate, caring and loving person you are -- and that's the best of moms.
Posted by: jeanie | September 09, 2013 at 09:36 AM
Oh yea, Mom Guilt, we all have it from time to time. I don't think you were having a pity party. Your Blog is your free therapy, right? You almost lost your son, for goodness sake! It sounded more like you were celebrating his recovery/survival! You can cry on our shoulders anytime for I'm sure you get the same from your readers, as well. Congrats to the lucky reader! You know Karla, we will All be checking our mail! Lol. Hugs XOXO, Laura
Posted by: Laura Strack | September 09, 2013 at 10:49 AM
Oh Karla, a heart attack! My mouth fell open when I read that. No wonder you were feeling so guilty. But, who would have thought of that at his age. So glad that he is on the mend and now everyone is aware that he has a potential problem. Sometimes that is a blessing in disguise. As for pity parties, I am a firm believer in them. We all need to express our emotions and release the tension. But, after it is over pick yourself up and get on with life. You have lots of friends and family to give you support. Like you said, sometimes it takes a crisis to appreciate the everyday. Hugs to you, Sandy
Posted by: sandy | September 09, 2013 at 01:03 PM
Hope you are doing better. I know Mom Guilt is always there, but we can still function. You are awesome. Those boys and my brother are lucky to have you! And you them. The grandfairies, will that goes without saying! Love you all.
Posted by: Terry Neibaur | September 09, 2013 at 06:38 PM
Big hugs coming your way Karla.
Big hugs!!!
Posted by: leann | September 09, 2013 at 07:05 PM
Oh, lucky winners! You are always so generous. I'm like you: I fall apart when the crisis has passed. Keep rolling with it! Hugs!
Posted by: Laurie | September 10, 2013 at 10:22 PM