What was the best part of your Christmas?
Mine was these smiles. And lots of them.
The grand fairies seemed over joyed with all their gifts (even though Dewdrop didn't get the two front teeth that she needed).
We were blessed with multiple celebrations starting with a Solstice party on the 21st, then our big family dinner and gifts to each other on the 24th.
On Christmas morning, we checked out what Santa brought, then had a big, buffet, brunch-bash with relatives.
With a table set for TWENTY THREE! (Did I mention how much I love my newly enlarged space????) We snaked three tables through the kitchen into the living room, and all seemed to fit just fine.
I'd had planned to set the table and make it fancy, but I was lucky to even get food done. So, everyone had to get their own forks and plates and drinks, which seriously, no one minded, or noticed. There is only so much time, and I overestimated how much time I had.
Which brings me to admitting that I over extended myself right along with the tables.
Which I think is pretty typical for the mom of the family to do.
After prepping all of the big meals, I was done in.
I loved, loved, loved, the family parts and the holiday traditions, of the weekend, but I have to say that I didn't enjoy fixing all of the food. While trying to please everyone and make sure they all got their favorite things, making vegan, vegetarian, meat lover, and gluten free versions of the foods, I forgot to keep my Christmas spirit. I got tired, I got cranky, I got resentful that I didn't have time to decorate cookies with the kiddos.
I don't know if it was because I'd been ill this year and am not back to 100%, (a medicine that I am on for another month or so can cause tiredness and muscle aches) or if I'm simply getting older and slowing down, or if I really did over plan and do too much.
Or maybe:
- I had shoes that were too tight.
- My head wasn't screwed on right.
- My heart was two sizes too small.
Cause I acted a little Grinchy while pulling it all together. I'm a bit ashamed of myself.
Yet, on the other hand, I sincerely, honestly love the holidays and it all means so much to me. I did make a huge effort to stay positive and loving with the grand fairies, but I think I grumped and grinched a bit too much with the older family members and really shouldn't have let that happen.
And no, even though Honey looks a little like Max here, I didn't force her into pulling a sleigh. I wasn't full on Grinch, just annoyed that the food preparation never seemed to end.
Like I said, it often is the way of many moms to stress out to make things perfect for Christmas. Normally, I can kind of roll with it and keep our holiday simple while pretty. This year, I'm not sure why, but it got away from me, and I was in over my head.
At least I learned a lesson. Next year we will do a simmering pot of soup instead of a full restaurant menu with enough food to feed a restaurant full of people. I have to be able to treat my family special while not forgetting about myself too.
Yes, I'll change the dinner next time, but there isn't one other thing I'd change, it was delightful to be with people I loved and there is nothing better than that.
(and the leftovers were pretty tasty)