Once the puppies were living in their new homes in November, I found myself at a loss on what to do with my time. Those babies were pretty much a 24 hour a day job for me for months. Those guys needed so much care they really kept me hopping and I had no time for creativity.
Molly just did not understand when I went from Puppy Servant back to my own life, she had only known me as the lady who spent every waking hour (and some during the night) catering to the needs of her and her fluffy sibs.
Not that she wasn’t still getting plenty of attention, but I was also doing some things just for me too.
She soon figured out that she could lay on my feet while I stitched. As long as I was close, she accepted that I wasn’t playing with or petting her.
I am still not completely caught up on sleep, Molasses needs to potty a couple of times during the night, but I have convinced her that 5am wake up calls are not acceptable to me and that she needs to go back into her kennel until at least six.
Some days, she has even made it to seven, if I put Honey in there with her!
She is a very mild mannered, calm girl. But when she needs to go out at 3am, she is quite insistent.
While I am not sleeping as much as I wish I was, It is enough that my spark is returning. I had this shirt to embroider for my sweet, hippie kid who loves flowers.
Since I mailed his gift box to North Carolina, and he surprised us by hiding under the tree and popping out on Christmas Eve, I don’t know if it fit him, or if I got a little too dainty with the flowers. If it isn’t what he wanted, he can pass the shirt along to Sugarwings and I will stitch another.
It felt good to be working on a project again and I’d enjoy an excuse to do more. But not a black shirt. That was more difficult than any other stitchery I have done. Typically I use a washable marker to draw on the fabric, but on black, none showed up. I was making it up as I sewed with this one.
I’m sure Molly would be happy to keep me company if I need to work on another shirt. And I appreciate the warm toes on a cold night when she does.
Wow! Love this! And how awesome to get that surprise under your tree!
Posted by: Gayla PAPPENFOHT | December 31, 2020 at 12:14 AM
That embroidery is beautiful! What a fun surprise to pop out from under the tree though! So thoughtful. Oh, Molly! If I was closer I would come snatch you up sweet girl!
Posted by: Leslie | January 06, 2021 at 08:06 PM
Hey, Karla, I know you have decided to keep sweet Molly due to the circumstances, but if you change your mind please email me! We are in Arizona and would drive out and pick her sweetness up and give her a happy happy home. I keep showing her to my family because I am madly in love with her lol. Just let me know.
Posted by: Leslie | January 06, 2021 at 08:14 PM