Last fall, we took a trip to the pumpkin patch, after an extremely LONG time of no regular outings. The grand fairies and I typically had a schedule of getting out and exploring on a regular basis. In the summer, it was the pool, park, zoo, and more. In the fall, we'd go to the pumpkin patch multiple times and host pumpkin craft parties after.
2020? not quite the same. But we masked up, and social distanced our way through the punkin patch, and made the most of a day out. We were pretty happy to be there, too, even with the restrictions and changes that had to be implemented.
We probably bought way too many pumpkins, hoping to have a carving party with Fin and Clover, but the weather didn't cooperate, and we couldn't get together outside, so I made use of the gourds as best as I could.
When the pups were tiny, I liked to do photo shoots with them for their new families, so these were great to use as props for posing puppies.
After Halloween, I spray painted some of them white and added a touch of glitter to the tops, and placed them into flower pots in front of the house. Others got turned into pies.
(The white pumpkins make the best pies, uhm, not the painted white ones, the REAL white ones.)
Now, it is time to clean up the front porch and get rid of the pumpkins who have seen better days. They are squishy and wrinkled, but instead of tossing them out, they went to the hens. The birds don't eat the rind, so didn't even bother with the painted exterior. They went right for the tasty seeds inside.
I guess I didn't have too many pumpkins after all! At least the chickens didn't think so. We have been giving them a couple a week and they are pretty happy with the treats.
Pumpkins are good for everything! Decorating? Check. Pie? Check. Are seeds delicious? You know it. Do chickens love them? Of course! Pumpkins are great!
Posted by: Rom of Jefferson CIty | March 02, 2021 at 12:17 AM