Molly and Sugar were both way over due for new doos. Sugar couldn’t get a haircut for 4 months because of pregnancy and nursing. And honestly, Molly was so dang cute as a fluff ball so furry you couldn’t even tell if there was a dog in there or not, that I was enjoying her as she was.
With the heat in Kansas, it just wasn’t fair for me to leave her that way just because I thought it was adorable.
Once she was shaved, we discovered there was barely anything under that mop! She is a tiny thing.
Sugar looked sleek under her mountain of hair too.
Do you see the little heart/hole in the sidewalk that she found for me on our walk?
Here is a close up. I’d never have noticed it if she hadn’t called my attention to that spot. Thank you, Shuggie, I love you too!
Before her Sugarbabies went to their homes, they shared a heart with me too. This is a crystal that I’ve had in the yard for years.
I had no idea that one side was heart shaped until the puppies flipped it over while playing with it.
Of course, I took that as an ‘I love you’ message from them.
I hope those little puppies know how much I loved them too. My yard seems very empty without their lively personalities.
My time with them seemed much too short. Saying good bye was rough.
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تعد شركة تنظيف منازل في دبي من افضل الشركات التي تقوم بتنظيف المنازل باحترافية. ومن ضمن عملها شركة تنظيف منازل في العين حيث تجد كل خدمة تنظيفية تقوم بها الشركة بمهنية عالية، ولا يغيب علينا خدمتها الممتازة في تنظيف الشارقة حيث تقوم شركة تنظيف منازل في الشارقة بعمل مبهر وقوي في مجال النظافة. وفى راس الخيمة تقوم شركة تنظيف منازل في راس الخيمة بمجهود جبار من أجل الحفاظ على البيئة. وفى مجال الكنب والسجاد فأن شركة تنظيف كنب وسجاد تقوم بعمل تنظيف للكنب والسجاد وتجعله كانه جديد وفاتن وجميل وذو رائحة مبهرة.
Posted by: شركة تنظيف منازل فى دبي | July 23, 2021 at 08:55 AM
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