A few years back, Guncle Randy and I redid a couple violins and fell in love with the process. He has been on the search for more instruments for us to recreate.
After finding another violin for himself, he came across TWO more that his brother, Mark had. Mark and his partner, Allie had found them tossed away and snatched them out of a landfill.
How nice that they offered them to us to use. Allie wanted us to Halloween one up for her, and we were thrilled to have THREE to play with.
The one Randy wanted for himself had glowing wood grain that he didn’t want covered up, so his stayed natural.
Mine got painted white. (Big surprise)
With a crackle finish here and there.
I used crackle on the black one for Allie too. It didn’t show up much til it was accented with silver wax.
We used lace as texture too.
I didn’t get a full photo of mine, but will show one when I get it hung in the house with my previous creation. Allie says hers will go onto her mantel. And Randy’s will be wired into his Xmas tree.
This was our work space.
we moved all of the furniture to one side of the room to have it ready for my son to install the new floor. Randy and I had a small table hidden in the forest of cabinets. And we were lucky to have the guys here to help move stuff so the room was ready when Adam arrived to start on it.
I’ll leave you with some close ups of the musical trio.