My favorite season is here and I’m taking advantage of every fun offering available, to soak up as much holiday joy as I can.
One annual tradition is to view the Holiday Home Tour with friends.
This year had a banner crop of festive flair to walk through. Every house I got to see was a winner. But I didn’t get a complete tour, I’d over booked myself (I just can’t say no to any holiday event- if there is Christmas fun going on, I’m in the middle of it!)
Sunday was no exception to my seasonal excess, we started the day with a coffee date with friends, then the home tour, next A Christmas Story musical with Sugarwings, and finishing the night with a holiday movie with the kiddo.
Was it too much for one day? Welllll….. probably, but worth it.
A couple days before, friends invited us to Snow Globe for dinner, and even though I was already swamped, we said yes.
Ounce again, worth stretching out my time to add some extra fun. It was a great night out.
Plus, I’ve had First Friday weekend at Good Juju which was two long days of excitement that felt like a party itself.
We’re barely into December and I’ve been blessed with so many glittery get togethers, that I’d consider myself lucky and fulfilled if these were all the festivities that I got to experience.
But lucky me- I’ve got a craft date with friends this week, our Book Club dinner and gift exchange coming up, and I’m trying to find a good time to have some friends over. Not to mention my cocoa parties in front of the tree with my grand fairy, and the way that sprite makes every day feel like it’s special.
Yep, beyond blessed.
And maybe a tiny bit tired.