I remember making seed bead daisy necklaces back in the 70s and thought I’d try to whip up a few more now. Trouble is, I’m not a fan of that type of bead anymore and hoped to use genuine stones.
The trouble with that, was that the holes are too small to get the elastic through twice.
I did have these vintage, Made in Japan beads, and they worked so-so.
But you know what works perfect? Medium sized seed beads from Hobby Lobby.
So I raided the grand fairies’ stash and made Swifty styled ones.
My heart wasn’t in it if I couldn’t play with my beloved stones and gems, so I went back to my own cabinet filled with sparkling delight and made mermaid bracelets for Sugarwings’ mama’s birthday. While I was at it, I made a dozen (or more, you know how I am) Halloween colored ones for Juju.