We've been spending a lot of time outdoors this summer. Breakfast in the fairy play yard, bubbles in the Food Forest, swimming at the lake, and just plain soaking up some daylight and goofing off.
There has been a lot of side walk chalk involved in our summer fun too. We have always liked hopscotch, but around here, everything needs to be cranked up a notch. So, we came up with Hoppity Hearts. It's like hopscotch, but with heart shaped steps. That go on and on and on across the drive way.
And leave it to Sugarwings to add yet another element to a game. If she isn't making up guidelines, she isn't happy. So, soon a dress code was added. Although Dewdrop refused to submit to the dress code, which is why there are no photos of her. All she was wearing was mud. And lots of it. While that was pretty cute, I didn't think a totally naked baby was blog material.
Boxes full of blueberry plants had arrived for the Food Forest, and Sugarwings gloms onto any empty box to transform it into part of her games. And these seemed to be a perfect fit.
The weather has been perfect too. The forest and the work my son and our Gypsy have done is just blowing me away.
There is something tasty to add to our dinner every night, as well as a garden so pretty that I just want to go out and stand there and daydream instead of work.
I love the mix of wildflower seeds in with the veggies. We have done pretty well bugwise, with the good bugs to eat the bad, and with flowers that keep the nasties away. It seems to work much better than I'd thought, but we are having trouble now with some squash vine borers. But pesticides don't work on those anyway, you have to do surgery on the joints of the vine to cut the varmits out.
I've decided that I'm soaking up the fun, the beauty, and the opportunities around me this summer. I'm taking some time off and saying YES to adventure. Even if it is as simple as laying on our backs and seeing fluffy shapes in clouds. I'm also planning on taking the girls out at least once a week for a field trip. And I'm going to try to travel with my husband more too.
I swear, that little break from work while my wireless was wonky and my hard drive died, has given me a new outlook. I'm all in for summer now! A little taste of leisure and I'm hooked. I tend to be a bit of a work-a-holic, but that is on hold for a while.
Summertime, LOOK OUT! Here comes Whammy!! (Dewdrop can't say Grammie, she calls me Whammy, and I kind of like it, it sounds much more adventuresome than Grams)